
If your a Environmentalist or you eat only <span title="organic,vegetarian,vegan,macrobiotic">organic,vegetarian,vegan,...</span> I wanna hear from you!!!!!!!!!

by Guest66319  |  earlier

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Basically if you care about this planet I wanna hear from like minded people and meet some people Im 18 so if your like in college or high school or slightly older its cool with me.Also if your Buddhist I wanna know what people are doing in there lives that makes them whether it be a environmentalist,vegetarian,vegan,macrob... or buddhist I just wanna get to know people who are also seen from the outside world as "alternative"




  1. Not alternative, deary,  misguided, mislead, misinformed.

    When you grow up and get a job and see what kids like you do to cost working people their jobs, their futures their dreams, I hope you remember how silly you where at 18

  2. I am omnivorous, but I do care about the planet. What concerns me most is the trees being cut down. I learned in school that the trees is what gives us the air we breathe.

  3. Our family has always been self sustainable by raising our own organic gardens and animals. . .  Saves tons of money, and we KNOW what we are eating :)  I would say we are kind of a step up from the Mennonites, except I do like my technology a little too much :)  LOL

  4. you might like this;

    inspirational messages from the dalai lama.

  5. I&#039;m one! but although I care and worry about the planets condition, i&#039;m slowly losing the drive to do anything about it. there&#039;s just far too many people that couldn&#039;t care less. In fact there are people going out of their way to be even more polluting just to negate the efforts of what they call the &quot;bunny hugging hippie liberals&quot;

    I&#039;m not a vegetarian yet, but once I have the means i&#039;m sure I will be. I absolutely won&#039;t wear fur and I try to avoid meat the best I can (mostly red meat and pork)

  6. I&#039;m 16 in my sophomore year of high school and I&#039;m vegan yayy! Ive been vegetarian since I was 7 years old and I went vegan about 2 months ago. Practically all the vegetables I eat are grown in my dad&#039;s garden outback xD

    I want to go to college for environmental engineering or ecology or something along those lines. I &#039;ve persuaded a lot of people to go vegetarian and to think about the environment. I also want to write a book about it when Im older. I wanna save the world haha!!

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