
If your a Vietnam veteran does the war still way heavy on you?

by  |  earlier

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Iraq war veterans are coming back to the U.S. and having psychological problems. I just want to know if moving to Thailand helps you find peace.

And what can the U.S. Government learn from your experience to help what is turning into a new generation of soldiers affected by war.




  1. I have no problems at all.  How about you?

  2. What makes you think that the U.S. Government wants to help?

    It has never been the good American who gets us into wars, nor the soldiers who fight them.

    It has been the U.S. Government which stands to gain something.

    Be it contracts, new invasive laws, inflationary tactics, or acquired territory.

    Except for the World Wars, and I'm not too sure about them, conflict and combat has never done as much good as harm.

  3. my father is a veteran. his whole body is messed up and psychologically, he's a little off. he doesnt talk about the war very often. but when he does, its just very sad. it wasnt fair. Moving to thailand? it might help. a change of scenery is good for anyone, especially if youre compelled to go there. the u.s. government can suck it. sending S****y checks. they can help everyone by ending war.

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