
If your a blackbelt in judo and taekwondo.. and kids at yor school pick on you shoyuld u beat them up??

by  |  earlier

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c im nice guy everyonethinks im kool but they take advantadge of me by cuting in line and pushing and punching cause im small and they know i wont do **** to them.should i beat them up? i could ttake them donw but i dont want to.. should i? cause i can.




  1. lol the martial arts shouldnt be used for something this stupid.look just stand up for your self let it be known you tired of people taking advatage of you. if someone cuts in front of you tell them to get in the back. only if they fit you first should you defend your self.

  2. No you shouldn't and you know that or you wouldn't have asked the question.  Kids can be so cruel but you know the way is the high road that you're already on.  It isn't easier but it is the right way.

  3. No, that's not what it's about, unless they really, forcefully attack you, you can't hurt them, didn't you learn that? It's self defense. Now, if they do punch you, that's a different story, but you could STILL get in serious trouble for beating somebody up, even if they were hurting you

  4. Kids can be rude and ignorant, just ignore it and move on. Harboring frustration will just tie you up inside and acting out of frustration will get you in a bunch of trouble.

    One more thing, why are you not asking your instructors?

  5. It's not necessary, but if you are force to do so then do so.

  6. I have two things to say.

    1) you claim to be a black belt yet you are asking if it is OK to hurt someone, Why?

    2) You need to clean up you mouth. The profanity does not make you cool or more grown up.

  7. Let me get this straight now. You wanted to know if it's OK to use you martial arts training to beat up some stupid kid who cuts in line???? WOW. What kind of Sensei did YOU have? Did your years of training teach you that it's OK to beat up people or start fights for such trivial matters? I seriously doubt that you have ever attended even 1 day of martial arts instruction, because if you had you would already know the answer to this question.

  8. are you seeking attention or just a compulsive liar?

  9. No, don't fight unless you really have to. I f they are punching you jokingly, like in the arm laugh and punch them back. If they cut in line in front of you, tell them get to the back of the line. If someone tries to push you redirect their push or move, they will end up looking stupid.

  10. No, defend yourself if you must, but respect all your opponents.  A long time ago I started teaching Krav Maga after seeing a Kung Fu (Hung Gar) brown belt complain to me that he was getting stuffed by a wrestler.  I was studying Taijiquan at the time as the school taught both in an integrated system (Fu Hok Tae He Morn).  The kid knew I was Israeli and assumed I was trained in Krav Maga, he assumed correctly.  I helped him with a few things.

    Don't go looking for trouble, and remember that other kids may have skills as well.  Black belts won't save you,so don't go looking for trouble, and if you end up fighting a wrestler, remember, he is working 3 hours a day, 6 days a week for his art, there are no belts, just wins and loses in his sport.  Boxers do about the same.

    You sound frustrated, don't be.  If you are attacked, do your best to defend yourself, but don't get cocky, just do what you have to and get out of there.

  11. I you really had a black belt in Judo and Taekwondo you would already know the answer to this question...

  12. Never use your martial art skills outside of the dojo unless you really have to. Never throw the 1st punch. WAit until the other opponunt attacks you.

  13. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!...

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