
If your a dancer, can you tell me why your not shy to dance in front of people?

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If your a dancer, can you tell me why your not shy to dance in front of people?




  1. because the music inspires me to move and my movements are a reflection of the music.  I am not shy to listen to music and my body is not shy to express what it feels from the music.  

    People can laugh, but I'm the one dancing - so I laugh at their inability to have the feedom I have to dance.

  2. To me its not like Im dancing in front of people, its like I go to a different place. Im an extemely shy person, but when Im on stage Im different. Im not afraid to act out. Its kinda like jackyl and Hyde, but less crazier. ^_^

  3. Well, I'm a rather shy person, but when I'm performing my dances on a stage, I just let it all go. Dancing has been my life ever since I was three, and I love it. If you have a passion for something, you shouldn't be shy dancing in front of other people. However, I don't dance that much in front of other people outside of recital time.

  4. im not the shy kind of person

  5. i just think of how good i am and how much i know my routine and how much i love to dance. i just go on stage and dance!

  6. no one can tell who's who on stage. all they can tell is that your pretty much a dancer.

    also, when your on stage you can't see anyone in the audience. its almost like your dancing by yourself

    if you really love to dance, it won't even think aboutt being shy. you love to dance so much, you just don't care!

  7. I just forget where I am. I just focus on doing the dance and I love it!

  8. Dancing is about expressing yourself, so just find your inner self and let that out, it doesnt have to be like everyone else, if it helps  u dance just dance. Also, i have been performing for 7 years and u just ignore the audience and focus on your dacning, eventually if  u try hard enough your fear will go away

  9. i have been dancing since i was 2 and i am not 11. the first time its a bit scarry  but i just create a picture in my mond of where i practiced my dance. and a tip to smile imagen the audience in there underwear.

  10. I've gotten to the point where I dance for myself and the love of dancing. I don't give a c**p what anyone thinks of me anymore. If they don't like how I dance, then that's just how it is. That doesn't mean I don't value others' opinions or take their advice into consideration, I just don't beat myself up if I get negative feedback.

  11. when you are on stage, the spotlight shines right on you. you just stare out to the darkness of the audience. I mean, you can't see them when the spotlight is on you. just dance the way that you practice. don't be shy.

  12. I'm not shy dancing infront of people cuz when practicing for recital all you are doing is practing infront of a mirror, but when you are onstage, performing infront of people or an audience you arent infront of that mirror any more its like the mirror had shaddered and you have to be strong and live with performing infront of the audience so I just pretend that the back of the room where you are performing is the mirror you are always looking at when you are practicing. I just smile and look at the back wall and pretend that is the same old mirror I look at every week back at the studio.

    Hope this helps! =}

  13. when you dance your forget about everything and everyone that is around you. you just dance and that feeling is the most wonderous thing in the world. its not till after that you realise that someone was watching and then you start thinking! hahaha if its what you love then you don't care that others are watching.

  14. If you mean when you're on stage then here's what I do. I just give it my all and pretend that I'm still in my studio. I don't try to look in the audience I just look straight ahead and smile.

  15. well to be honest I dont dance but I can answer your question dancing is something that you cannot shy about its your talent dont worry if people saw you dancing just ignore them if they make fun of you but if they like it just tell them how you do it

  16. hi when you dance just pretend that no one isthere and you are still in the studio practising

    plus when i dance in public i where a white mask

  17. Well basically because I've never known anything different. I started performing when I was 5 and I still get nervous before a performance. I love the feeling of getting up on the stage and people in aw of your dance. It's great being able to get up there and be a completely different character to who I am. Recently I was in a competition and got the chance to perform to another performer who has made dances for celebrities.

  18. When you are on stage, the footlights shine into you so that you can't seethe audience. If there's no one to dance to, then how can you be self conscious?

  19. i close my eyes and dance or i just do it

  20. let's see. If you love to perform and dance, then you should share it with everyone and show people your gift! Plus, I love the feeling of going out there and having all eyes on me. ( im a bit of an attention seeker )

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