
If your a democrat and against Hillary what's your main reason?

by  |  earlier

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I personally am against her because of the money she made in the futures (cattle) market. Sounded like insider trading? There was never an investigation or anything? I've been told there was no impropriety and I'm unfairly holding something against Hillary. Also been told that the amount of money involved wasn't that big, therefore I shouldn't be so uptight? Please advise.




  1. I used to be against her just because I was looking for someone without dozens of scandals already under their belt. Now I'm against her because of the absolutely shameful way she has run her campaign so far. She's so power-hungry that she doesn't care how much damage she's doing to the Democratic party. If she dropped out of the race right now, I think she might gain some of my respect back.

  2. The main reason is her political agenda. Having read her website, I not only disagree with her on certain issues, yet I have never seen her offer a suggestion on how she palns on paying for her plans.

    I also have a huge issue with her touting her 35 years of experience most of which is over inflated. Additionally with respect to her 35 years, 16 of those were as a first lady, where she was little more than an overpaid goodwill ambassodor.

    Lastly I have issue with her decision to stay with Bill, even after the fact she knew he was cheating horndog. Most women have the dignity and enough respect for themselves to dissolve the relationship, not her though. This too me is an indication that she uses people to suit her own needs. Let's be honest, much of her success stems from her having the Clinton name.  Not to impune her accomplishments as a person and a senator, but lets be honest I don't think she would have been able to go as far without Bill.

  3. I am against Hillary Clinton because she offers nothing different to the American people, who both desire and deserve better.

  4. None

  5. Somebody else said it pretty well.

    I don't trust her, I don't believe in her.  

    I find her an embarrassment to independent women.

  6. I voted early for Obama because, unlike these CHILDREN on here, I am old enough to REMEMBER THE CLINTON YEARS and how CLINTON trashed the value of the AmeriKan Presidency and TRASHED the world's opinion of AmeriKa... CLINTON was the beginning of the end for RESPECT for AmeriKa by the rest of the world.

    I also remember how Clinton FORCED SENIOR GOVERNMENT WORKERS INTO EARLY RETIREMENT... Clinton DESTROYED THE LIVES OF SOME WORKERS... and I can remember NAFTA... when CLINTON gave the country away to MEXICO..

    Yes... I REMEMBER THE CLINTON YEARS... and they were almost as bad as the current idiot in the white house... but these CHILDREN who are voting don't remember those years.... and all the problems they caused.

  7. I do not like the fact that she hasn't admitted that her vote for war was a mistake.  She isn't perfect, and no politician is.  But I would still vote for her before ANY republican, particularly McCain-who is my representative in AZ.  He is full of it.  Says A, does B.  My pet peeve.

    No career politician is free from wrongdoing in my opinion as long as we have to deal with a lack of public finance reform.  If we do not remove corporations from government, there will be corruption forever.

    In general, you end up picking the leaser of the 2 evils and pray they don't s***w up the country too badly.

    We have a long way to go before we are in any condition to have real candidates to choose from--with truth, honor and integrity.

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