
If your a ghost hunter, what is the most mysterious message a spirit said to you?

by Guest32158  |  earlier

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Like was it in a foreign language? or a weird riddle?

or just plain evil?

or clues to their previous existence,ect?




  1. As for a foreign language, no I have not received anything like that.

    The only "message" that I have ever received is by being touched or nudged on sight.  The only way you would actually hear any "verbal message" would be with an EVP & not with the human ears.

    Even when mediums communicate with the dead, they are supposedly communicating at a higher level.

  2. It said grow up and get back to school and get a life... Or was that my father waking me up?

  3. It was more like a.. "Let's party keep smoking that sh*t "

    oh! and it was plain Spanish, ha ha ha ha.

  4. I  used a ouija board once, and we asked it what we would have for dinner, and it said sausages, and we had sausages.


  5. A collegue and I were once told, 'You my two,' after multiple, multiple disturbing sightings and sensations in a house.  This one's a little more cliche seeming, but we also found the word 'pay,' 'written' in a small, scratchy, dark rust-colored script on the floor of the same house.

    A medicine man - friend of a friend - who had a stronger connection to the spirit world than either of us, came to the house and claimed that a woman had been raped there (certainly jived with our own experiences), and that it was done by several hispanic males years ago.  One of the inhabitants of the house (during this whole exploration) was a half-Peruvian male and always felt ill and uncomfortable there - he ended up moving out early and is doing significantly better elsewhere.

    But why the 'You my two'?

    (as a side note, I just read the other answers and - interesting synchronicity - we were attending Edgar Cayce's massage school at the time, in Virginia Beach, VA.  For a small clarification, he didn't speak with spirits in the sense of this question.  He was a trance diagnostician, and if you'd like to read about him - the best introduction is the book 'There Is A River' by Thomas Sugrue)

    Edit: perhaps I should clarify.  We were 'told' via Ouija board.

  6. I one time entered a house that was haunted, and I now believe it was. I went into the basement, and a actually stepped into a vortex tunnel. It felt like wind was rushing around my body, and I heard an evil, demonic voice warning me to get out, or I would suffer and burn eternally. I have felt so exposed in my life, and my hand just went to the crucifex around my neck.As soon as I touched it, the tunnel froze, the voice stopped, and I turned and sprinted.

  7. In a dream once, someone said she died just then and that "I'm next."

  8. I think spirits talk mostly in thoughts...or loud "silent" voices. I think when they come through on those machines...they're muffled and sometimes some people think they're saying things that they're not saying. But then..there are some that I've heard that are pretty clear.  I've had spirits talk to me...but not through a machine.It wasn't just one or two words or any profound statements...just conversation..and ideas...and guidance.

    Edit.. I'd think they'd tell us the "secrets of the universe"! lol...Wonder why they don't. Maybe they don't know anything yet.

    Edit... Read about Edgar Cayce. He got some good information about medical conditions from spirits.

    Here's a link about Edgar Cayce:

  9. Told me to get the **** out of their house

  10. The strangest answer I ever got was when I asked if anyone was here and a mans voice said "No" then chuckled.

  11. Well I wasn't hunting for a Ghost,nor was any other family member. She came to us. The message was, " Take care of my son, something is wrong."That Ouija board thing  is a good idea, I'm running out of ideas for dinner!

  12. I never got any mysterious messages, but have had ghosts tell me their names.  At a murder site, the victim's ghost told me "He hurt me,"  and began to cry.  It affected me very much; I cried, too!   In a haunted house of a family member, I was told "I won't scare her anymore.  The baby is cute."  At an investigation this past summer, I had a little girl ghost ask for her mommy.  THAT was unnerving!

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