
If your a good writer would age matter if your trying to pitch an idea for a tv show?

by  |  earlier

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i am not saying i am ready to set up a meeting i am just saying would companies look at a 15 or 16 year old writer, i know i would need a literary agent or whatever but i am still in the dreaming stage.

Also just a side note would Disney channel specifically look at a young writer?




  1. If ur a good writer age does not matter, what ever you put into it that what u will get out of it.

  2. I am sorry, but judging by what you wrote here, you are not a good writer.  You're not even a fair writer.

    You will need to improve your spelling, punctuation, and grammar first.  You have a long way to go, but don't give up.  You are simply not ready at this time.

  3. Id say you could definately try, whats the worst that could happen besides they say no? It would probably be harder to get them to look at you but if you try hard enough, maybe they will take a peek ;)

    Good Luck!

  4. It wont.. it would depend what you are writing about. With your age, Disney channel or even teen hit shows, will probably use your work. you have a very good chance, because who have a mind of a teenager, and that's what teenagers what to see, not old stupid things. Keep your hopes up, because you will have a chance.

    hope I helped you


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