
If your a mother and have a daughter I could really use your help?

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in general do you think its bad if the girl in the relationship spends most of the time going over to the guys house instead of the other way around? I mean we are all grown early 30's Im usually the one driving to his place and hanging out there but only because he has kids and they are the first priority which i totally understand but my mother seems to think it looks bad and that he is not putting effort into the relationship. Obviously I have been out on my own for a long time but this relationship is kinda important to me and id like to have my moms blessing so i dont really know how to explain it to her or maybe she is right i dont really know just a little confused?




  1. Well i am not a mother i am a father of a girl child. You honestly don't need your mom's blessing it would be nice but she will be happy if you are. I can tell you her worries mainly why is he not with the mother of the children (even if you told her she can still think he is lieing if she hasn't had time to meet him) The second thing is why doesn't he come over there if he had nothing to hide why would it always be his place (just talking like a parent thinks), He could knock you up and not be attached to you like the previous woman (just parents thinking again) But honestly she is not the one dating him you are and the way i see it you have been out in the world long enough to know the idiots out there; It not you mom that has to be happy with him its you. If you want your moms blessing offer to have him anf his kids come over your mom may see a different side of him after a couple visits.

  2. it all depends on how many times a wk you're over there, what u guys do, if you pay for the fun meaning meals,movies things for you guys pleasure. an how often are his kids around, do you guys ever do anything just 1on 1. Because if not it could be a possibility that he may just be takeing advantage of your kindness an useing the kids as a motive.

  3. at first it seemed kinda weird until you said he has kids..its probably best for kids to be at there home if you don't have toys or anything at there house they could get bored..

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