
If your a proud american, please help?

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I would like to ask some question about your patriotism.

Please don't be rude or if your not a patriot just simply don't answer. & write me 2 to 3 sentences about yourself.

1. What is your definition of an American?

2.Do you consider yourself "patriotic"? why or why not?

3.What do you contribute to our country?

4.What do you do on Fourth of July?

5. Do u have any interessting history or tradition in your background?

6.How do you htink other coutnries feel about Americans? Do you disagree or agree with them?

7.Are you satistfied with being an American?

8.What are your feelings about 9/11?

9.What are your opinions about the war in Iraq?

10.Finally, do you feel our homeland is safe??

Thanks for taking the time to answer, I really need someones opinion because I have no grown up to talk to at home.

Have a nice day!




  1. 1. What is your definition of an American?

    (An American is someone from North, Middle or South America.  OK OK I know what you mean...I'm just pointing out your over generalization which is significant)  Someone born in the USA or has gone through the process of becoming a LEGAL citizen.

    2.Do you consider yourself "patriotic"? why or why not?

    There are quite a few versions of that word.  What is your definition of "Patriotic?"  My definition is: Working to uphold the principles this naiton was founded on which many tend to see as impediments to their personal goals.  Many don't even know what our Declaration of Indepence, Constitution or Bill of Rights  are.

    3.What do you contribute to our country?

    I do my part in trying to keep authority honest and subject to the will of the people which I beleive is the Spirit that makes the USA great and a beacon to the world.  I also served 3 years in the army.  I keep myself informed by watching/listening to people, policians and media outlets such as , PBS, BBC, Fox News and contacting people in other nations directly through the internet.

    4.What do you do on Fourth of July?

    Rode my bike to  fireworks exhibition. Talked to my friends about what is important to us as people.

    5. Do u have any interessting history or tradition in your background?

    The assignation of John Kennedy opened my eyes to the fact that our government does not always tell the Truth when it matters most.

    6.How do you htink other coutnries feel about Americans? Do you disagree or agree with them?

    This was the subject of a recent news story which I agree with.  The people of other countries realise that like all people's everywhere, most Americans are good people but they are being lead in an evil direction.

    7.Are you satistfied with being an American?

    Not sure what you mean.   I think this nation was founded by truly enlightened people trying to form a "more perfect nation" therefore I feel honored to be a part of this tradition.  On the other hand, I feel we are drifting away from the ideal in favor of honoring wealth and power.  I am not satisfied with this direction.

    8.What are your feelings about 9/11?

    Far too many for this blog.  But most importantly, it shocked this nation into rage and blindness which this administration channeled into a war for it's own personal profit .  I question who is responsible for 9/11.  Osama Ben Laden?  Possibly, but why aren't we going after him?  Why did three buildings come down only as a purposefully demolished buildings?  How did we find out the names of the hijackers so quickly and so mistakenly?  (At first they were Iraqi's and then they were Saudi's)   Could Israel and/or Saudi Arabia be in volved?  I don't know but there are too many real questions in that tragedy to just blindly accept the government story.

    9.What are your opinions about the war in Iraq?

    We have had a pact with Saudi Arabia since WWII but their oil wells which have been heavily pumped since then are showing signs of emptying.  Consequently this administration felt it their "duty" as well as profitable for their supporters, to aquire Iraqi oil and to install a pipeline through Afghanistan which the Taliban had refused Bush in an earlier vist to the White House.  Now we are really fighting to prop up the US/Maliki government which will give our oil corporatikons rights to Iraqui oil, which in turn has the Iraqi people fighting each other and us.

    10.Finally, do you feel our homeland is safe??

    Safe from what?  Hurricanes of Katrina size?  Safe from bridge collapes?  Safe from being mugged or raped?  Safe from earthquakes?  Safe from politicians stealing us blind?  Safe from poverty?  Safe from toxic air/water quality?  I'm trying to point out that there are lots of things to fear.  Many of them far more likely than a terrorist attack, but it doesn't do any good to live in fear of these things.   It is better to recognise them and dawel with them effectively.  Unfortunately, all the money we could be using to fix our problems here in our own country is going to support a false government in Iraq by fighting an enemy of our own making.  (We aren't going after Osama ben Laden)

  2. I am a very proud American!!

    1. America is a land of opportunity guareented through The Constitution. American are people of all nationalities swho come for a better way of life. They work hard and combine their efforts in the communities they settle in. They are of all walks of life and are in equal status as others. Before settlements in america, our native american indians were the home rul. As each race entered, they acted as if this country was theirs, then another race would come and the former would act as if it was ther and the last one in was the foriegner. I laugh as it is still happening today, but the truth is All americans come from other countries at some point in their families life, all except the native americans! We are a melting pot, proving to the world that we can pass cultural boundries, share foods, enjoy communication, create businesses and on and on. We live the ideal of freedom and liberty for all.

    2. I am patroitic for I stand up for the Constituion, and liberty for all. I donot see patriotism and blind compliance to our elected public servants, no matter what office they hold. I feel that I should stand up if someone is taking our American out of the realm of freedom, liberty and the pursute of happiness. I am compeled to uphold the Constitution which is my patriotic duty.

    3. I run my own small business which helps our economy.

    4. I stay at home and enjoy my family, we eat drink and tell stories, dance with the babies and just be in the energy of love.

    5. Looking at our family geneology, if you go back five generations on both my mom and dad's side, we end up with Scottish ancestors. On my mother side, I have a great great great uncle who served with George Washington, and was given a peice of furniture that we still have today.

    6. Many countries are wanting our ideals, of freedom and opportunity. Today many are turning against wanting to be like us due to our foriegn policy which looks like and acts like a dictatorship. I am begining to agree that we do not look good and our foriegn policy is not good at all. Many countries are not wealthy like we are and do not agree with our materialism.  They are richer than us in that they have family and friends, strong relationships with most intheir town. They sepnd time with each other. They do nto understand how we can not do that. They do not understand how we can abandone our parents when they are so old, and put them in the care of strangers. Theri wealth is each other. Our wealth is things.

    7. I am very satisfied. I know we have alot of work to restore what the last 30 years of mismanagement has done to America, but I am up to it.

    8. 9-11 was an inside job; set up to impliment tight control on the citizens of america by a corrupt group of americans and outside money holders. The buildings were demolitioned below the ground and gave a dramatic hollywood effect that the media then ran with. Even the new york firefighters will atest to the demolition.  Bush and Osama were friends and had investments together. The truth is out there to read.

    Also when I watched it on TV my gut said it was staged. Good show, but murdered 2000 people!

    9. The war should have stayed short. We have now murdered more people tha Saddam Hussain did! Now it is just a funnel for money to go to war-devise manufacturing while killing our citizens, and devestating Iraq beyond repair. Time to get out.

    10. Our homeland was always safe before this latest war. People watch out for each other. People will still watch out for each other. The whole media compaign is to create so much fear, that we will comply with stupidity, corruption, control, giving up our rights to a fair trail, and the list goes on. The only thing to be warry about is wild weather!  

    Any further "terrorist act" will again be staged, to terrorise US citizens in to full complience to the evil agenda of our current un-elected government. Once they are removed, you will see that we have always been safe.

    Read, read anything and different opinions. Youwill discover that there are threads of truth that you canlink together to understand the picture better. There are alot of angry people in american right now. Read their works, just filter out their anger. Talk to elders about their war expereinces, alot comes out in those! Then use your own precious, God-given mind to come to what you feel is right. Then donot cloe the door to your mind as more informaiton comes daily! REad the Constitution!

  3. 1. One who comes to America, legally, and is in America to pursue a better lifestyle. I do believe that keeping one's foreign culture is important if it does not interfere with day by day economic activities (one shouldn't come to America with only knowledge of a different language because those people can't commit fully economically without being able to communicate) and that is one decides to immigrate, they should not be pro-___(their past country of residence), to the point at which they become ____(their country of residence) nationals in the United States

    2. Yes i do, I hope to become a sentinel at the tomb of the unknown soldier.

    3. Currently a student- so not as much as the average student, i am the future

    4. I watch fireworks, think about 1783 (American independence recognized)

    5. Not a ton, not sure on the question

    6. I believe most countries hate us, but sadly every country needs America, there is no question that it has done good.  Completely disagree with them.

    7. Yes

    8. It was a tragedy of course!

    9.  I support it because I am a military historian, and i know how long it can take for a country to become stable and how long it can take to develop an agreeable consitution.

    10. Yes i do, ive seen the snipers, the boats, the forts...we're doing would be h**l for anyone to invade LA (lol)

  4. Well I am an american citizen but born in another country. Came to america when I was a young child and have been here ever since.

    1. An american is someone who lives in the country and takes care of it to the best of their ability. Works hard and tries to better themselfs and their community. An american is willing to give to those less fortunate because they have the luck of being in america while most people are dying to be here.

    2. Yes i consider myself patriotic. I was raised on the east coast in a small town that celebrated every american holiday. The street I grew up on was called Betsy Ross court. George Washington spent the night in our city and we were taken to class trips every where around the town where he had stayed. We help pagents and learned american songs. Those songs stuck to me and I can sing any american song you throw at me.

    3.I contribute by working hard and paying taxes. I also contribute by being an upstanding member of society and trying my hardest not be burden someone else with my problems.

    4. Depending on what city I am in I go to the parades and then in the evening family gets together we barbecue watch the fireworks and go to sleep.

    5. Well not me personally but my uncle his ancestors fought in the civil war and also also are the original settlers of a small town in texas.

    6. I think most countries which they could be like america but I also think that opinioned has changed in the last few years. I agree that america is a great country but I feel that americans have become so proud that they are causing more damage then good because people around the world are seeing the big ego and are being turned off. I still thing america can be a superpower.

    7. I am very satisfied. I wouldnt be here if I wasnt satisfied.

    8.Sept 11 was the saddest and worst day in my lifetime. I have never been so scared in my life. Being from New Jersey and having family and friends in that side of the country and not knowing if anyone I knew was okay or not. We went days without knowing where family members where at.

    9. My opinion on the war is Iraq is that we might have gone in there with good intentions but whatever plan we had didnt succeed and now we need to do something to fix it because we have young men and women losing their lifes and the iraquis dont want us there. Also we have problems in america and people who do want our help here so we should focus on helping people who do want to be helped.

    10. I think america is safe. I think certian neighborhoods are not safe in america but I am not going to close my eyes to the fact that this is a more dangerous world and there are nuts out there that dont care about people and would blow us up.

  5. 1. An American is one who votes

    2. Yes

    3. 20 years of military service and continuing service to our country after retirement

    4. Serve my country, meaning I work.

    5. Yes everyone generation since the War of 1812 has had someone serve in the military

    6. Agree some Americans have no manners or respect for others

    7. Of course

    8. Because of infighting and political correctness we got hit real bad and Americans need to wake up before its too late

    9. Saddam needed to go but we went in there the wrong way

    10. No because most Americans don't care

  6. Hi There,

    Me, is a wrong connection to ask for answers, for the above

    questions. Reason ; I am a Canadian and I am proud to be a Canadian.

    If you need to know how do I think and perceive those questions as a Canadian, I will be able to help you.

    If you would, Please contact me.

    Thanks and have a great day.

  7. 1-tough one, a person who is here legally.

    2-Yes, I served six years in the Navy, and i still have to wipe a  tear from my eyes during the National Anthem and taps at a military funeral

    3-Pay my taxes, vote and willing to die for this country.

    4-Usually end up working, but I try to have a moment to remember why we have it.

    5-Had two ancestors who were brothers who fought against each other  in the civil war.

    6-I think most other countries hate us for what we believe in.  No I don't agree with them.

    7-h**l YEAH!!!

    8-I was more mad than sad, it seems this could have been prevented, not by this administration, but the former administration.  He had plenty of opportunities to get Osama.

    9-It had to be done, it wasn't for oil.  I wish we had a better plan, but we had to get that dictator.

    10-Yes, because we haven't had an attack on American soil since 9/11.

  8. 1.  An American is anyone who was born in the US or is naturalized, regardless of skin color, religion, .etc.

    2.  Yes, our country has the potential to be one of the best in the world.  I think a common misconception is that if you don't support the leaders of the country, you are not patriotic.  Dissent is patriotic, indifference is not.

    3.  I vote in every election.

    4.  Celebrate with friends and family.

    5.  I am a naturalized American citizen, originally from Bogata, Colombia.  Half of my family is here, half is still in Colombia.

    6.  They feel Americans are generally rude and look down on others.  I tend to agree, but not everyone is like that.

    7.  Yes, I am satisfied with being American, but am unhappy with the current administration.

    8.  It was a terrible tradgedy, of course.

    9.  The best way to support our troops is to bring them home.  We have no business in Iraq in the first place.

    10.  Yes, but I believe that some security measures and spending on 'homeland security' are out of control.  Stop racial profiling, please!

  9. 1. Any person who believes they are an American. Being an American means that you believe in certain things that represent Americans. You wouldn't believe yourself to be an American if your values didn't line up with American values. (Note that i said that they believe that their values line up,what values define Americans is a topic that is debatable)

    2. I don't consider myself to be overly patriotic, but I do not believe I am unpatriotic. To put it simply I support this country by believing that it needs to succeed and stating what I believe it should be trying to succeed at doing. Patriotism is not about supporting one political view or another, its about working to make your country a better place, without going against the countries values. (as I said, subject to debate)

    3. As a minor I'm not exactly in the best position to contribute to my country, and at the moment my support is limited to attempting to spread my political views(which are what I believe to be the best thing for this country, I doubt any person would say differently about their views). It is a small contribution, but hopefully some time in the future I will be able to support my country in a more direct way.

    4. Depends. Sometimes I'll go to some kind of patriotic event or fair, see a fireworks show or maybe just spend time with family. Theres not any particular tradition I carry out year after year. I'll admit that I rarely even think of the days meaning. Its just how I am.

    5. Not particularly. Ancestors were mostly immigrants who arrived in the late 19th-early 20th centuries.  Mostly from Western North and South Europe. No one in my family(to my knowledge) has done anything worth scratching in a history book.

    6. Many other countries have problems with Americans, and many of their reasons make sense. the first thing we need to realize as that much of it is prejudice, thinking based on stereotypes, the distances people from different countries anywhere in the world. Americans have stereotypes for people for many countries, other countries have stereotypes of us in turn. This kind of loathing, based on prejudice, is uncalled for not matter what parties are involved. There are of course other reasons for dislike, and these need to be explored. Many people outside of the U.S. dislike the U.S. for its policies, Bush-born or otherwise. This will always be an issue. Total agreement on any topic is impossible. Thus I do not find people who dislike the U.S. to be our enemies(unless of course they have taken action to clearly designate themselves as such), but rather our critics, through which we can find our own faults and attmept to correct them.

    7.I am. America, whether this is bragging or not, is quite simply one of the best countries to be living in at the present moment. Though in some statistics we are falling, we are typically a very desirable location with many benefits, economically and socially. Whether this will change with time, and as many super powers do, we will fall from the lime-light, is of course, yet to be seen.

    8. It was an attack against the United States. The government managed to determine who was responsible, and attempted to try and destroy them so they could not repeat such an attack. We sadly failed miserably at that, and the man who is believed to have ordered the attack remains at large. 9/11 was a tragedy, something I believe has also been misused to manipulate the American people by their own leaders.

    9. I do not agree with it. This war was planned before 9/11 occurred, before President Bush ever entered the White House. It has nothing to do with terrorism, if anything we invaded a sovereign nation that if anything, had a leader (who had committed atrocities in the past), who actually hated terrorists. The war was created for financial purposes, and was rallied on the fear of the American people. It is an injustice for our troops to continue on with what has now become a civil war, one with no end in sight.

    10. Yes, our homeland is safe. If anything, we have at least become more secure since the 9/11 attacks, at least in a physical sense. If anything, we need to worry about our civil rights being unsafe.

  10. 1) An American is anybody who either came to this country or was born here _and_ desires to be American.

    2) I consider myself to be patriotic.  

    3) I served in the military for 26 years and fought in two wars.

    4) On the 4th of July I stay at home and try not to hear the fireworks (PTSD).

    5) None that I know of.

    6) I do not care how they feel about us.  They are out for themselves and care nothing about us - so why should we care about them?

    7) Yes.

    8)  That this is a demonstration that the world is a dangerous place - and that other people do not have the same values that we do.

    9)  I served in Iraq and feel that we are the only hope the Iraq people have for a better future.  People hate what we are doing there because they realize that we are trying to change the world - thus upsetting their profitable status quo.

    10)  No place is really truly 'safe.'  The world is not a nice place and sometimes the 'real world' will make it across our borders.

  11. 1. An American is anyone that chooses to live here and make a positive contribution to this country.

    2. I consider myself patriotic because I believe in hat this country is supposed to stand for, which is basically the Enlightenment ideas of Liberty, Fraternity, and Equality.

    3. I contribute production to this nation's industries by being a hard working member of the workforce.

    4. I do nothing for the 4th, save for avoiding the crowds. I hardly think that blowing up a bunch of fireworks and gorging barbecue is a display of one's patriotism and love for one's country. I rather think it is a sinful display of wastefulness when the money for such celebrations could go towards helping those less fortunate back into productive society.

    5. I am a first generation non-marine in my family.

    6. I think most other countries hate us, and I can't blame them. We found a country on the Enlightenment philosophies earlier referenced, and then violate them with our foriegn olicy. We stick our noses where they don't belong, and then get surprised and angry when we get punched in them.

    7. Overall, I am satisfied with being an American. no country is wthout its problems.

    8. I think that it could have been avoided if everyone were on the ball, and if Bush had never come into office. I know, its been planned for years, but I think it was more a contingency plan than anything else.

    9. I think the war in Iraq is stupid and should not be happening. Bring our troops home. Now.

    10. I feel that so long as we mind our own business as we ought to be doing, enforce the laws that were in place before this mess, and repeal the ones enacted after, we should be just fine. I hate flying anyway, but if I didn't, I would feel no fear flying  anywhere on any American airplane. As to anything else, I am definately unafraid.

  12. 1. What is your definition of an American?

    Someone who was born here or became a legal citizen, or even someone who is a citizen in their heart and willing to sacrifice for this country.  Someone on the road to citizenship is a citizen in their hearts already, IMO, but only if they are willing to sacrifice for this country.  If they are just here to take and not give back, then they are just opportunists.

    2.Do you consider yourself "patriotic"? why or why not?

    Yes, I am a flag waver.

    3.What do you contribute to our country?

    My time, gifts, talent, passion, brains, and money.

    4.What do you do on Fourth of July?

    It varies.

    5. Do u have any interessting history or tradition in your background? Regarding patriotism?  

    Yes, my mom worked on JFK's campaign.  My aunt knew Herbert Humphrey.

    6.How do you htink other coutnries feel about Americans?

    Do you disagree or agree with them?  

    I think they don't blame us, the regular citizens, for all the insane stuff our government has done in the past 4 years.  However, they do think the people who voted for Bush in 2004 are nuts.  Yes, I do agree with them.

    7.Are you satistfied with being an American?  

    I am not satisfied with the way our country is being run.  We need major social changes of attitudes and in our economy, just like we did in the 1930s and 1960s.  It's time for a major social well-being tune-up and we need leaders with the GUTS to do them.  Getting out of the Middle East and ending our dependance on their oil is one of the major societal changes we need.

    8.What are your feelings about 9/11?

    I have many questions about how 9/11 happened.  I am always wondering who dropped the ball when it comes to intelligence survellance of Al Qaeda and why hasn't Bush  cared about finding Bin Laden?  It shows a lack of sincerity on Bush's part when he talks and talks and talks about the dangers of terrorism but he won't bother to do a darn thing about getting the leader of Al Qaeda.

    9.What are your opinions about the war in Iraq?  

    It was a mistake, it was a war of personal vindictiveness on Bush's part, and it was a political ploy.  It was a "corporate takeover" of a country  done with blood and guns instead of stock purchases.  We need to get out "with honor" as they used to say about Vietnam.

    10.Finally, do you feel our homeland is safe??

    I feel we are  safer than before 9/11 but that is mostly because people are all paying more attention to suspicious events nowadays.


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