
If your a religious person and belive in Jesus, leprachauns, fairys and gnomes do you ever plan to grow up?

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  1. what crawled up your ****?

    are you a Desiree clone?  great, another c*nt.  that is what this place needs.

  2. If your a radical fun die Atheist and  do not believe in Jesus, salvation, baptism etc, do you ever plan to grow up?

    and start thinking grown up thinks like ....mmmmhhh I don't know , the law of physics of planet earth, logic and reason?

    And I do not "belive" anything. I thought spelling was taught in grade school.

  3. I hope they eventually do.

    Good job learning English on your own. Your grammar is not that bad considering you taught yourself.

  4. I believe in god and jesus and the bible! When are you going to grow up and realize christianity is real and the one true religion.  Jesus really did die for our sins and was resurrected!  I think you should pray to god and confess jesus is your Savior and that you should thank jesus for your salvation.  I think you will see a big difference in youself when you accept him.  He works within us and gives you an overwhelming feeling of peace.

  5. Strange... so much pain from someone who appears to be so young.  I believe in many things that apparently you do not.  That is fine... you are on your path and I am on mine.  

    If doing this helps your path then so be it.  Be care full of Karma though... it can be very insensitive to your pain.  

    Necessary pain in your path is one thing... causing unnecessary pain to yourself doesn't further your growth.  Or at least that is what I have found.  

    Just some thoughts from a Crone.

  6. I don't believe in God.Religion sucks

  7. Belief in "leprachauns, fairys and gnomes" does not necessarily come under the heading of religious belief.

  8. your spelling, syntax and grammar are shot to h**l, but your heart is in the right place and the question shows a reasoning mind which is the opposite to what you would expect on a religious site

  9. It is a silly thing to bring santa into an adult conversation. It is a big change that when you actually grow up, you start to believe God is real

    Laws of physics are from God not from scientists. If one wants to have eternal life with God, then we should go to God for it and not to the school books

  10. You are correct, The whole crew X100 could not all do what Jesus did in 6 days. You said 7 but the 7th day HE rested. I'm guessing by your screen name something has happened to you to bring on these feelings. I will be praying for you because everyone needs encouragement, I also hope that you will open your eyes and see all the evidence out there, and that you will know what you are asking. Jesus is the only real one in your little list you have going on there.  I hope you can get out of this pit you seem to be in soon.  I will be praying for you broken_soul_girl!

    BTW, You will get alot  further in this life by talking rationally and not trying to get people going. Have a BLESSED day!


  12. "and start thinking grown up thinks like ....mmmmhhh I don't know , the law of physics of planet earth, logic and reason?"

    You mean a bit like Sir John Polkinghorne FRS - a world famous physicist, and an anglican priest? Or Francis Collins, leader of the Human Genome Project, and also well known for his Christianity.

  13. No they won't, because they have the bible.

  14. Sadly,there are still some people who need a god to feel human.They freely admit without god they would rape,murder,and steal without their gods' commandments.They go on about the roaring lion,out to devour them.They are primitives,and without their god to keep them in check,they would behave as savages.They tell you so here daily.This is a hard realization to accept.Not everyone has evolved past the cave men,waving spears and shouting at the moon as it tries to devour the sun.It's sad to see.Perhaps one day,all will evolve past the need for the primitive ritual and superstition.But that day is not today.We can only hope for the future

  15. Oh my god you are such a rebel!  Wow, and a vampire!?  

    You are neither unique nor intelligent in your argument.

  16. Hey, respect what other people believe and they will respect you back. No one should tell you what to believe.

  17. There is that little problem where matter is neither created or destroyed but somehow out of a singularity (what is a singularity in terms of physical terms anyway) the universe was created. I'm not saying that I dont believe in physics because I do, but even doctors and experts in physics agree that something else exists that we dont understand.  

    Believe it or not, the wave-particle duality belief was akin to leprechauns. Those who believe in it were ridiculed.  Rational people thought that ether was the medium light traveled through but we know how that debate ended.  

    A rose by any other name...

  18. You are a self-indulgent brat.  Everyone has problems, what makes you think that you are so special?  Just because you had some problems, you think that gives you a free pass to just c**p on people's cultures and beliefs?  You show no respect, and that is what you will get in return little girl.  It's time to stop feeling so sorry for yourself and grown up.

  19. With all respect, the nature of your question is immature...which leads me to as you if "you ever plan to grow up?"

  20. i agree with what billy says and other comments. how would younfeel if i start saying bad things about your beliefs of being gothic or satanic

  21. Hypocritical question.

  22. whew! good thing religion and relationship are two different things.

    i hope you get over the fact that people do have different beliefs and i hope you start to learn that fact also. it is you that needs to do the growing up.

  23. They are not the same, with enough Irish Whiskey in you it's possible to actually meet one of the little people, I know, a couple of times people have told me that the night before I'd claimed to have done it.  How can you argue with hard evidence?

  24. Never.

    I live in a magical world. You don't.

    The only logical, ethical prescription in your naturalistic world is utilitarianism.

    In my world every human, born and unborn has dignity and worth.

    God love you!

  25. No not if I can help it.

    I Live in a Land of Magic,

    Where no one else can be,

    Fairies gnomes,and Jesus,

    All protecting me.

    I Live in my own little


    Where I never have to leave,

    Choose who I let in,

    and do just as I please.

    Then when I am Ready,

    I'll Open up my door,

    go back to my Darkness,

    As I have done

    So many times Before.

  26. How UP have you grown?  

  27. Look who's talking.  

  28. I reckon! It really is like believing in Fairytales...goodies and baddies. Its sad.

  29. wow.. no wonder your soul is broken..

  30. Anyone who believes all the stories in the Bible ,is a person who would believe any propaganda, and certainly not exposed to more sophisticated educational material..   I don`t deny the existence of a supreme being, however his story is not written down in a random set of books put together in the 1500`s by a group of power hungry immoral men.Trying to piece together a Jewish tale so that it fits their agenda.  There is more proof to the immorality of the birth of the Bible than the tale it tells.People are so wired by family traditions and the threat of burning forever they cant reach out to real documents for a different view of a supreme being . She is on the right path, just needs to study more.If at this point in her life she doesn't believe in a God then she is entitled to discuss it in this forum,without name calling. (sweety, you could be a little less inflammatory)  Now lets all shake hands and promise to be nice to one another.LOL

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