
If your a teacher ,counselor, student..... is it realy bad to transfer in the middle of junior year ??????

by  |  earlier

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i am moving to an other state and i will be in the middle of my junior year does it look realy bad for colleges ? i am realy worried ??? i get good grade if that make a dif

plz tell me !!

thank you




  1. A college will not rule you out because you moved.  This is a situation beyond your control.. In fact you can use it to your advantage.  Keep up your grades and activities (or increase them).  Then when you apply to schools you can point out that despite the adversity of move during your Jr year you were able to maintain or even improve.  This ability to handle adversity is a strength most colleges love to see in their prospective students.

  2. It does not matter to colleges at all. They are aware that these things sometimes happen.

    You might, however, want to ask some teachers at your current school to write a letter of recommendation for you now, since your new teachers might not know you very well when you are applying to colleges.

    Also, get a couple of extra official transcripts (and don't open them) from your current school. Sometimes when you transfer, the new district has a difficult time transferring the classes you took at your "old" school directly. For example, I had a student who got an A in Statistics at her old school, but our district doesn't offer Stat, so her official transcript from our district says that she got an A in General Math (which is considered the "just pass 'em, they've got to graduate" kind of class...a big step down). Having that transcript can help to clarify any confusion (if it comes up) when you apply to college.

    Changing schools will probably hardest on you, but don't worry about colleges...they'll figure it out.

    Good luck!

  3. colleges will not look at that as a downfall. getting good grades is important so your doing well. just keep getting good grades and you will be fine. good luck and have fun.

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