
If your abusive ex was the size of a bug and running across your floor right now. What would you SAY and DO?

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If your abusive ex was the size of a bug and running across your floor right now. What would you SAY and DO?




  1. I would chuckle and think! Nice one God, you are down with Karma.

  2. This is the best question ever. If my abusive ex was running across my floor right now as a bug i would curse him out and chase him around the house and give him the worse death possible. Treat him just as he decided he wanted to threat me back then.

  3. i would laugh and say thanks god and youd hear *splat*

  4. id say f*ck i am really trippin OUT

  5. he's not an ex but he should be. that would be a fantasy and a good one at that....i would treat him exactly how he treats me like a little bug he can smash

  6. I'd shoot a load on her head and drown her in it !!!

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