
If your adjoining fence is wrecked & your neighbours have a pair of large dogs & you have kids....?

by  |  earlier

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wouldn't you report it to the council?

wouldn't you expect the matter to be dealt with?

dont move to tendring district councils area, as they're so tight when they walk there ar5e squeaks

i reported it 2 months ago & i have an autistic child who NEEDS to be able to go into the garden...IM GOING SLIGHTLY MAD




  1. Keep calling them until they get sick of hearing you. Remember...the squeeky wheel gets the grease. I worked for a government municipality and the ones who got taken care of were the ones who bugged us constantly. There has to be some sort of ordinance for them to keep their fence fixed. In the states it would be a lawsuit if their dogs bit one of your kids.

  2. if its your fence, fix it.... just take pics first and sort it out later! It dont matter JUST FIX IT!!!!!!

    You dont know how it got broke, you dont say what kind it is or how old it is!!!! And if your saying that you need approvel to fix a fence in your area!!! I would sell and move!!! I have seen some of these "CODED AREAS" were you can only do this or that , grass has to be sprayed, no boats, or RV's in the driveway..... To me this is not right and if people want to live with others telling you what you can or can not do on your own property then so be it!!!!!!!!!! BUT I can do what ever I want on my land,,,, If I want a pink house I can paint it pink!!!

  3. Its the dog owners responsibility to keep the dogs within thier boundary. Thats regardless of who owns th boundary, or who owns/rents the property.

    Rather than moan, why not go to citizens advice, or get a solicitor to write to your neighbour ? Isn't that more constructive ?

    course of action:

    1) talk to neighbour

    2) talk ( not rant ) to council

    3) get solicitor ro write to neighbour

    posting a rant on Yahoo Answers comes in at action point nubmer 147

    There is NO council in the UK that will not at least listen to someone if they present themselves properly.

  4. You need to visit the council department and see them face to face. Explain the situation politely. Ask for a date for repair.

    Contact your local Councillor for support if necessary - that's what they are there for. Mention that you would hate to see it appear in the local paper if something happened to your child due to the Council's neglect.

  5. First, talk to the neighbor.  Get them to either fix their fence or keep their dogs under control.  If they choose to do nothing, proceed to step two...

    Next, if your neighbor's dogs are in YOUR yard, threatening YOUR child, then I suggest you shoot the dogs.

    If you don't own a gun (which seems likely, as you sound British) then try this:  put a pound of hamburger meat in a ziplock plastic bag, and fill the rest of the bag up with automobile anti-freeze fluid.  Leave this bag IN YOUR OWN YARD where the invading dogs can easily find it.  Then, just let nature take it's course.  If your neighbor keeps the dogs out of your yard, they get to live.  If not, well, I guess he should have handled his business a little bit better.

    You have an *absolute* moral right to defend your child and your property, especially after you gave your neighbor every opportunity to handle the problem.

  6. hi there i understand that would be annoying i am sorry to tell you this but the council wont repair the fence.. its down to the tenants i had a similar problem.. the fence to the left of your property is considered to be your resposibility so depending which side its on you would need to speak to your neighbour. I think they are being a little inconsiderate not to repair a fence when they have dogs. i have a border collie who is gentle beyond believe but next door are scared of dogs i have fenced the entire back garden so her kids are not distressed. speak with them they may help towards cost etc.. good luck

  7. who moved in first??

    why not just fix the fence...

    large dogs are not necessarily dangerous.. small poodles are nasty.. anyhow just fix the fence...

    poisoning their dogs is WRONG and illegal.. however if their dogs are in  your yard you can call the local dog catcher.. pound, RSPCA or what ever...

  8. your Local Councillor he/she wants your vote and fire an email off to your MP and good luck take care and keep smiling.

    Environmental health should help and any support group you belong too

    and get one of these's

  9. Heidi

    Call them again & tell them to sort it - you pay your taxes like eveyone else - tell them to do it or start making noises about going to the local paper as there is gornment initiatives to protect kids from dangerous dogs!

    Don't get mad sista - get even!

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