
If your baby crys alot couyld it mean ur pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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my baby crys alot and i dont know why and he is 14 months and i wanna know why he crys so much




  1. What??????????????

  2. It's got nothing to do with whether or not you're pregnant. Sounds like teeth coming through.

  3. no connection at alll..................

  4. Jeeze, you people come up with new symptoms of pregnancy everyday!!

    Last week some chick asked if she was pregnant because her knee hurt.

  5. Could be anything really.....Is he sick, tired, hungry, wet/dirty nappy, teething, fever, recent immunisations, just a whingy baby in general????? All of the above???

    Im pretty sure that your baby's crying has nothing at all to do with the fact that you may or may not be pregnant....

  6. maybe he just needs some attention, getting bored with whatever he is doing....try having him around other children/doing something to stimulate his mind...and at 14months if he crying all the time, he probably cutting teeth if he doesnt have some already...other than that ole wives tale...just like if ur child walks/potty trains early...all that has nothing to do with another child coming...Example my son was walking at 10months and potty trained at 15months=he is now 6yrs...and im just now having my second one!!!

  7. no if your child cries a lot it does not mean you are pregnant

  8. no babies cry so mummy and daddy cant have s*x ! so how can u be pregnant lol

  9. geez i hope not lol

    nah he is going through separation anxiety especially if its whn you leave his sight just even for a second, itll pass

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