
If your baby were a super hero, what would his/her special power be?

by Guest64925  |  earlier

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If your baby were a super hero, what would his/her special power be?




  1. she can drown you in drool.

    also, for the weak-stomached, she can make you vomit from one of her explosive diapers!

  2. The power to scream. She can scare anyone away with that high pitched cry/scream.  

  3. My daughters special power would be "to talk you to death." She's 20 months old, and is learning new words each day. So, from sun up to sun down, her mouth is moving.

    Just this morning, she was looking through a book, saw a picture of a camera, and realized that there was an actual camera sitting on the computer desk. So, for the next 5 minutes all I heard was "Momma, momma! Momma...CAM!" I finally had to say "Yes, I KNOW there is a camera sitting there..."......LOL.

    You need a confession, just send 'em her way!

  4. probably the power to change his slobber/spit into whatever he wants. He always has a knack to slobber and wipe on someone at the right time! haha.

  5. He would be NuNu Man, and he would take down the bad guys by hurling pacifiers at them.

  6. My youngest son has the power to make p**p magically appear in any clean diaper.  You change his diaper and within minutes you have a surprise.  I don't know what good this power would be though...

  7. she can empty a toy box, cupboard, drawer, etc in a matter of seconds!

  8. Special smiling charismatic powers.

    Hubby's a D&D gamer and he's amazed at her innate charisma skills.  *laughs*  We had a stray, injured dog come into our backyard to lay next to her window and look at her (so we got him help and got him home.)  Everybody gets either the smile they need or the shy little grin that makes them melt.  You got food, she can steal it from you just by looking up at you with that wide eyed, wide mouthed, begging plea.  1/2 of my steamed squash went into that mouth last night...

    Yup.  Super charisma.  Basically meaning that all the world would be her oyster...

  9. He would be called 'Squealie Man'... And he would frighten away the villians by his super shreaking squeal!

    Wow, say super shreaking squeal 10 times real fast.  Bet ya can't! LOL

  10. Em can shoot grenades from her tush. I'd like to say I was joking, but I think she could if she concentrated hard's like bullets sometimes! Maybe we could call her...Miss Poo Poo Kung Foo :)

  11. My son seems to be able to aim his pee so that no matter where we are changing his diaper, the pee ends up on the carpet or in my hair.  I think if he were a super hero, he would use this power to put out fires.  

  12. the power to walk through closed doors.

    "A door is something Eli is always on the wrong side of."

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