
If your best friend COPIED you, would you be, like, SO ENRAGED???

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You decided you wanted a fall wedding. Then your BFF tells you SHE'S having a fall wedding (the next year, but still, it's in the FALL).

You were planning to give out tulle bags of M&Ms tied with a ribbon. Your so-called BFF says she's going to do EXACTLY that same thing!

Then, you get a gown with a train. Then SHE says SHE bought a dress with a train. WTF???

WTF??? She's totally COPYING you!

Are you, like, FURIOUS that she stole your special ideas????

What do you do? Are you just going to let it SLIDE???




  1. OMG, no.

    If you're concerned about her hijacking your ideas, stop sharing them with her.  Problem solved.

  2. A Fall wedding, bags of M&Ms and a gown with a train.

    Those all sound like really generic elements of a wedding and not so much copied from any original thought you had as mindlessly replicated from

    Now if her gown was the exact style of yours and her bridesmaids were wearing the very same dresses (although that might be fun -- you could just have the one she wears to your wedding altered!) and her mother was wearing the same thing our mother is, that might be slightly creepy but I honestly would value the friendship more than the imitation.

  3. Stop telling her everything. I wouldn't do that to  my friend.

  4. Don't you think you and your BFF would like the same things?  It's not like a fall wedding or a dress with a train is something unusual.  If she ordered the same dress I would understand your anger but she is picking out normal bridal items.  Let it slide.    

  5. why would you be furious?

    if all that matters is weather or not you have an original wedding

    then you are missing the point and probably should not get married

    you would simply lack the maturity for it

    wedding days are not 1 day show off contests to see who can out do another wedding "event"

    besides more than 50% of all people who marry will end up divorced anyways

    so why spend all the effort for a 50% chance of divorce in the not to distant future?

  6. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  That being said, try to let it go. You are doing everything first...i understand your frustration, but yours will be first.   Try to think of something that  is totally unique to you and your fiance.  Favors, chocolates in the form of skis, the couple met skiing, comes to mind because that was the most unique wedding thing I've ever seen.  Whatever you do she can copy you..but if you have completely unique touches, she can't take those without really looking like an idiot..Good luck

  7. its not that big of a deal. your is first.

    I had my wedding and a month later, a friend did tons of the same things.

    I could have let it bother me but I had it first and I still liked mine better, it really wasn't that bad.

    But if it drives you crazy, stop telling her what your doing.

  8. I have a friend just like that! It's gotten so bad that when we go out and eat, I make sure she orders first, because if I order before she does, she'll order the exact same thing. When I got my puppy, I named her Kiki, not a week later, she got a puppy that looked nearly identical to mine, and named it Tiki. I get so frusterated at her sometimes I wonder why were Best Friends!!!! I have to call her out on it all the time! If I were you (and I basically am!) I would either ask her to stop doing the same thing as you, or just try to keep her out of your plans. (Which is a lot easier said than done, trust me I know!)

    I hope I could help you!


  9. Yeah I'd probably be a little annoyed but I wouldn't need the aggravation. I'd be thankful that I'm getting married first so it would clearly be my idea. Also, maybe I'd find it a little flattering that she thought my ideas were so great. I like to look at the positive side.

  10. I think you should be totally flattered. She thinks YOUR ideas are wonderful and she wants to be wonderful too. If you don't want her to copy one of your ideas, don't tell her about it.  

  11. So you are just poking fun at everyone?  lol

    Okay so I thought you were serious and wanted to smack you upside the head because none of those details were specific enough really to get pissed about. Except the m&m's but ohhh candy in a bag how original. lol.

    Wait...OMG A WEDDING! YOU SO COPIED ME! how dare you have a wedding. that's what I was going to do. lol

  12. yeah i;d be pissed but hey don't tell her bout your wedding anymore

  13. .... Okay, seriously, the M&Ms thing is extremely popular.  Now if you look statistically speaking:  There's a 1 in 4 chance that you would get married in the same Season.  Spring and Fall are the most popular wedding months, so odds have it that it would be 1 in those 2.

    And there was a 50/50 chance she would wind up wearing a dress with a train (it's gonna be one without or one with, I mean, seriously.) and most dresses have trains (I didn't want one at all, but I couldn't find one without that I liked, so I'm wearing a dress with a train to my wedding.

    Secondly, I wouldn't be upset at all.  You'll still have the more original of the two weddings.  People aren't going to go to yours and think "This reminds me of that wedding I'm going to NEXT year."

  14. Yeah, she is copying you...but at least your wedding is first and everyone will know exactly where she got her ideas.  I wouldnt tell her anything else about the wedding though.

  15. Just tell her the exact opposite to what you are having and see what she says.

    Everyone will know she has copied you if she gets married the next year and uses all your ideas, so She will be the one that is embarrassed not you!!!

    Let it slide Hun as they say imitation is the best form of flattery.

  16. lol. your silly. i think the wedding stress is getting to you. let me guess...she wants to wear white too! that hussy.if i were you i would be flattered that she is somewhat mimicking your actions. besides your wedding is before hers, right?so if she does does run her wedding somewhat similar to way you are doing yours, the people attending will take notice and remember that you have already done all of this before her. but odds are, they wont notice the things that you have mentioned so far. i would like to give her the benefit of the doubt and suggest that she is doing this unintentionally, But, maybe there is a chance that she is choosing to copy you, simply because she admires your ideas. take it as a compliment. although i hope that her choice for her having her wedding in the fall is based on her schedule and the groom's as well, not simply because she wants to emulate your every move.

    congrats on getting married- focus on your future! best of luck for your wedding/marriage

  17. I think she is copying you. Maybe you should ask her to come up with her own ideas, because being copyed does get pretty annoying.

  18. Are you 12?

    Seriously, grow up.  Maybe she has always wanted a fall wedding and a wedding dress with a train.  You two probably have the same taste in things like that.  Maybe it could be like a tradition you and her start with some of your close unmarried friends, like in my family its a tradition to get married in Oct.

    Like I said before...GROW UP.

  19. Okay, if you say, "My colors are cranberry and turquoise" and she says "Oh, well mine are burgundy and aqua", then yes you have the right to be pissed. lol

    But seriously, you need a reality check. Think about this: fall is becoming the most popular time of year for weddings. October dates book almost as fast as June ones. So, you didn't invent the concept of a fall wedding. M&Ms in tulle bags with ribbon is a REALLY common favor idea. Lots of people do that, so if she's copying you, she's also copying millions of other people. And last but not least, helLOOO! Most wedding dresses DO have trains! If it's not the same dress, or nearly identical to it, she's not copying you. She's just wearing a dress with a train. I am too. Am i copying you? lol

    How about incorporating some unique and more personal ideas into your wedding, things that are YOUR style, but not hers? Maybe you can wear a long dramatic veil and flowers in your hair, while she'll opt for a more traditional elbow-length veil and tiara. Maybe you can serve an interesting and fun menu at your reception, like mini corndogs in martini glasses with gourmet mustard, while she's more likely to serve pigs in a blanket. Maybe you can hire a reggae band, knowing she'll want a dj. Pick things that express your personality and no one will be able to copy without looking really silly doing it.

  20. No way i wouldn't let it slide its my special day and nobody can take that away!......i would either come up with newer and better ideas and if she continued to copy i would confront her or just straight up yell at her

  21. First if she is a BFF than this behavior isn't new because she has had to have done it before.  If she has than you never should have told her any of your ideas or given them with a disclaimer that she wasn't to use any of them.

    If she is your BFF and doesn't normally do things like this than suggest she find something different to do so that no one else thinks she copied you.

    If you can't do that than I am sorry and I hope your wedding is great!

  22. These ideas are all pretty generic.  I wouldn't be too upset.

  23. of course i would be furious.dont tell your friend anymore about your wedding plans.make it seem like your changing say oh i changed my wedding to a summer wedding or spring wedding.and just never speak of your if you want just tell her how you feel say your copying me and there my ideas not yours! tell her.

  24. I must agree with those who wrote that you should be flattered.  While I fully agree that a line should be drawn somewhere, its seems as if your "BFF" really  thinks highly of most, if not all of your ideas.  I am usually the originator with many things and find my family and friends copying my ways.  I'm flattered that they do so.  If it is going a bit overboard and it's becoming annoying, you may want to just refrain from sharing ALL your ideas with her.  This should force her to have to come up with some of her own.

  25. My best friend and I have completely different styles so I can't see that as being an issue.

    Are you sure you're even old enough to get married? You sound extremely petty and immature and most preteens talk more maturely than you do. If nothing else, you sound like a troll just looking for attention, since most people in real life honestly do not do the type of things you are describing.

    Fall is the biggest wedding season nowadays. It used to be summer, but times change. M&Ms are a very common favor since they're cheap. Also, you will be extremely hard pressed to find any wedding dress anywhere that does not have a train. You will have to get one custom-made if you don't want one.

  26. Yep, I'd be pissed. Talk to her about it, if it doesn't change stop telling her what your going to do and don't invite her to your special events

  27. OMG!!!  I was planning on have a dress with train and m&ms at MY fall wedding!!  Did YOU copy ME??  

  28. Ha ha ha!  Finally someone with a brain on this board!  *most* brides are so self-centered about their 'special' day.

    I love how all brides think that every single detail of their wedding is a completely original idea.  There have been millions of weddings before theirs, there are no original ideas left!  Weddings are an industry, nothing is original if you can order it online from "".

    I love it!

  29. uhh.. stop telling her all your ideas. just keep them to yourself so she cannot steal them.

  30. Hi.  I agree with Amyhpete.

    All the things you mentioned.....a fall wedding, M&M favors, and a gown with a train are hardly unique to YOU and you alone.

    These are generic wedding things.  Take it as a compliment that she likes your ideas.

    NO, I would not be furious.  And.....even if she did copy something "unique" to you....well, there will be a whole different set of guests, so no one will know!

  31. I think if you think that it is that big of a deal then you aren't mature enough to be getting married. She obivously loves the ideas so much that she wants them to. you should be honored.

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