
If your best friend came out as g*y - would you love them differently?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sorry someone had to come through here and give everyone a thumbs down. It wasn't me.

Thanks for all your answers thus far.




  1. I don't meet a person and ask them what they do behind closed doors.  I try to get to know the person first.  If we were truly friends I wouldn't treat them any differently

  2. If it wasn't expected at all, I would prob look at them differently in the beginning to be honest, but nevertheless if they're really your best friend I would love them anyway.

  3. Why would you? If your best friend converted from Christianity to Buddhism would you love them differently? If they changed their major in college from Psychology to Gender Studies would you love them differently? No, because NONE of that is affecting you. It's their business and they are most likely the same person they were before only they feel comfortable in being g*y and coming out. By telling you they are trusting that you will still love them and accept them just the way they are ^_^.

  4. no...I would love him the same and give him all the support he needs

  5. Yes I would as would any other human being who hadn't experienced such a drastic change in a person close to them.

    If your brother or your father ended up coming out of the closet it probably wouldn't bother you much.

    But we're all human and honestly we all judge... Would you be the same if your friend who was white over night became black? The relationship would be the same. But the person would be different. While being homosexual isn't bad or wrong it's different and if you aren't you are going to view it in a negative light until you accept it.

    After all this was the person you've known for years as being straight... Suddenly telling you now they're not.

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