
If your bf was driving dangerously (while ur in the car) & u told him to stop but he didnt, would u dump him?

by  |  earlier

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If your bf was driving dangerously (while ur in the car) & u told him to stop but he didnt, would u dump him?




  1. bin him if he cant respect your wishes then hes a t**t there is no place for driving like that i lost my best friend to speeding and doing drugs while driving. if he wants to drive like an idiot tell him to get a motorbike

  2. Yes... but I would get my wife to kick his butt first....

  3. Disrespect like that! \Drop that dude. Tell him to drive like that alone in his car. And you do not like your car being driven carelessly with you in it. Imagine what he does when your not in the car?

  4. He either always drives like that, or he's showing off because you are with him.

    In either case, you need to make him aware of the danger he puts you in.........and then make a statement by giving him the ultimatum of either driving more carefully, or not getting into the car with him until he decides to drive safer.It would also make me wonder what other risk taking behaviour he may be involved in. If it's racing or dirtbikes, tell him to keep his fun times to when he's there, not with you in the car.

  5. he hopes you will

  6. my boyfriend now, no i wudnt dump him but id make him pull over and let me out. and i know he wouldnt do that so he wud slow down. id be mad totally and he hates when im mad so me ignoring him and being pissed off is punishment.

    but if i wasnt in love with the guy and it wasnt serious, and this pissed me off enough yea id dump his ***. how dare he put my life n danger.

  7. If he is driving dangerously and he did not listen to then yes because this is a sign that he will not listen to later in life and the situation can only get worse.

  8. If you really meant it and he doesn't listen. You would probably want to dump him no doubt.

  9. hes playing with your life I would warn him 1 time that you will NOT tolerate it EVER again if it happens again I would be gone it's one thing to be an idiot it's another to risk someones life to act cool

  10. Tell him off, be really angry.

    Make him apologize.

    Make him buy you flowers.

    If he does it again, dump him the gutter.


    Stop the car, have him get out push him down into the gutter, leave him there and drive away.

  11. If you have to ask whether you should dump him the answer is yes - even if he wasn't driving like a k**b and putting yours, his and other road user's lives in danger.

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