
If your bird was eaten by my cat, would you expect me to feel bad?

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If your bird was eaten by my cat, would you expect me to feel bad?




  1. put it like this how would u feel if i took ur cat and sold it to a haitian so they can eat it?

  2. Not if you didn't expect me to feel bad if you cat disappeared or got busted by the cat catcher.

  3. I'd sure as h**l expect you to pay for my new bird, considering you were the irresponsible b*****d who let your cat roam around outside and subsequently INTO MY HOUSE.


  4. if your cat was eaten by my dog how would you feel...  dud..

  5. chyeah.

  6. If my dog subsequently killed your cat, how would you feel?  I would feel happy, knowing that your cat could kill no more, and that justice had been done.

  7. yuuuup

  8. You betcha

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