
If your boss had read your Questions/Answers on here before he/she hired you...?

by  |  earlier

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Would you still have got the job??

I know I wouldn't! hehe




  1. they wouldn't have let me in the door =)

  2. Yeah. Of course I guess I have it rare, my boss and I will sit and talk for hours while im on the clock. Everything I say on here I can and do say to her. And my personality on here is the exact same on the job.

  3. Yes... my answers are clean and genuine. And my questions are intelligent and interesting

  4. haha nope i would have been fired before i even got hired!

    lmao oh well.

  5. if boss is opinionated, too sensitive or conservative certainly NO.

    if boss is liberal, open minded, understanding and has a sese of humor certainly YES.  

  6. No.

    *cries very hard*

  7. it depends

  8. He wouldn't understand scorn if it jumped up and bit him on the nose.

  9. You'd be professionally unemployed!  

  10. I'd have still got the job, l work for myself and l am the boss!

  11. The 3 in the me would all have..just in different departments in the same all!

  12. ahahaha no way.

  13. No, in fact he looks a touch frightened of me as he gets to know me...

  14. Not only would I have not been hired. She would have also commited me to a mental institution against my will.

  15. Yes I believe so.

  16. I think so.  At least she'd have known that I am a good typist and can spell.  And sometimes use "big" words.

    Everything else I do out here is completely irrelevant to my job.  And I mostly keep my more inflammatory opinions to myself, so no worries.

  17. Yes.  He knows that what you see is what you get with me.

  18. he would have called for the men in white coats, but I proabably still would have been hired cuz we're all a bunch of nuts here

  19. You only need to check my Q&A to answer that.

    And if my G/F saw my emails she'd dump me.

    (now there's a thought!!)

  20. i always worry about that sort of thing - also with facebook etc.! that's why pseudonyms are useful!! :D

  21. Probably not

  22. Yeah, all my questions and answers are basically harmless.

  23. Yup. They would almost all be irrelevant to the job.

  24. Ummmm....probably not. I think I've answered a few sarcastically and that could be misconstrued.  

  25. Oh, h**l no.

  26. of course I would. They hired me because I'm open and genuine

  27. hahaha nooo focking way

  28. Yep.  I only write what I believe and answer only the decent questions.

  29. absolutely.  my answers are honest and well-intentioned.

  30. I am my own boss, so yes. LOL However, if I was interviewing for a job it would most likely be a social position so I think my answers on this site would prove my abilities to handle a social position.

  31. I had to take a personality test to get my job and I still can't figure out why in the h**l they hired me!

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