
If your boy is going off to the navy.......

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If the guy you are interested in is going off to the navy should you stay with him or should you be single until he comes back?




  1. BOYS don't go off into the Navy.  MEN do.

    Did you know a Navy enlistment is 4 - 6 years?  

    That's up to you.  Can you handle being a Navy wife?  It's not for everyone.  Cohabitation is a violation of the UCMJ so forget about just shacking up with him.  It could get him into trouble, plus you'll just be a 'non-person' as far as the Navy is concerned if you're not married.

  2. only you can decide if you are string enough to be with a military member.  Its a hard life and you will be alone a LOT.  

    are you better off with him in your life, however rarely, than without?  than stay with him.  

  3. you should stay with him i mean that would be a whole lot of stuff to get into if he ever found out about it right? besides are you really that cruel 2 break a guys heart? i really hope not.

  4. How much do you care about him?

    If you're questioning it, it may be time to say goodbye.  But if he's worth waiting for, and you're strong enough, ride it out.

    Good luck, girl.

  5. forget him find another "boy"!

    Sailors have girlfriends in every port!

  6. That depends. Do you love him? Or are you just marking time?

    If you truely love him than tell him that you're waiting. But if its just a game and he just happens to be the person that your passing time with don't string him along. Joining the armed forces to serve our country is a noble thing to do. Even if you end it you should show your support for the fact that he's willing to loose his life for people he's never met.

    Hope this helps!

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