
If your boyfriend has been in prison for 12 years , and now he will be home in 4 months ?

by  |  earlier

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and he wants you to meet his mom and family the first day he is released, and you want everyone to like you, even his 13 year old daughter, what can you do to ensure they like you..cause I am really feeling this guy.. and if they don't like you, do you think it will make a difference to him? Please be truthful




  1. 12 years in prison, I don"t believe that what anyone has to say will be of much importance to him with regard of what they think of you, Good luck!

  2. I would not be so worry about his family liking me, but about how my  low my self-esteem is to be with someone who was in prison for 12 years!

  3. I'm sorry, I can't relate to waiting for someone 12 yrs...especially if you weren't married when they went in so had no legal commitment (and of course why they were in would be a huge issue).

    You might want to re-think your desire to be with someone who has spent more than a decade in prison. People don't typically get such sentences for jaywalking...

  4. Honey, you are worrying that the family of an ex-con is not going to approve of you? They are probably are going to love you for being there for a man that has been in prison for so long. I don't know if he is guilty or what he did or if he is innocent or whatever, the fact is he has been in prison and to most people that is a relationship killer.

    I'm sure they appreciate your support and the fact that you are holding strong on your feeling for him regardless of what he did. I am assuming you started dating him WHILE he was in jail, and not before since you don't know them yet... I really wonder how that works.. how did you meet him? anyway, I'm here to answer your question, not to ask mine.

    But, like i said before, they are probably going to love you for loving him, specially in such a trying time. Good luck and.. well congratulations for being so brave and evolved, i wouldn'tt be able to be so. I would probably be judging the heck out of him.

    An to those that said she should run.. well yes, he commited a crime but he paid his debt to society people! what else do you want? Maybe he's rehabilitated and learned his lesson. Have some faith

  5. Why wouldn't they like you?  They like him, despite the fact that HE'S been in jail for 12 yrs.  Why would you want to date this guy?  Don't you have a list of criteria that you have that you want in a boyfriend?  So what, he's nice to you, most con men are!  So what, he tells you what you want to hear.... con job!  He has a 13 yr old daughter, so he was with someone else right before he was with you, only you wasted your time waiting for this guy!  Listen to your own family and friends, who, I'm sure have been telling you to run, for 12 yrs!

  6. Guys that have been in prison are very charming and manipulative...They are ease to fall in love with,But they can only think of there best interests.He will use you!I was with a guy just like that...Girl just RUN!

  7. I would have found someone new 12 years ago.  You're going after a loser and he'll bring you down with him.

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