
If your boyfriend is a boss of the company is that most of the time a guarantee that he will be controlling?

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and abusive at home? Mein is pretty much so...I think that´s the job... he has been in a cheif position for almost 20 years...Does the job form the character?




  1. No.  He's just a git.  Plenty of people are bosses without being controlling and abusive.

  2. Not at all.

    I've been a business leader and know many others.  The best business leaders are often nice people, with the social and people skills to know how to get the best out of people without resorting to bullying.

    Most of the better leaders I've met are normal people with "normal" family lives.  If anything, many business leaders work hard because they want to support and provide a good lifestyle for their families and "de-stress" just by enjoying spending time with the people they care about.

    Bosses aren't a different breed - they're human - and there are good ones and bad ones.  If your boyfriend is abusive it just suggests he's a bad person, and quite probably a bad leader too!!

  3. No, being the boss of a company doesn't mean that the man will be controlling in his private life. A managing director could achieve his status by hard work and leading skills, and he may be a good friendly boss as well. Many batterers or non-physical abusers are jobless or work in very low positions.

    Men that try to control their partners could be of any education and social background. They grow up to believe that women are an extension of themselves and that they're the 'head' of a household. It's a certain mentality given by family and often religion, and a cultural disease. They were raised to believe that their needs should be always the first priority, and they tend to victimise themselves, claiming to be 'neglected', when they don't have their own way. They expect to be obeyed to satisfy their sense of self-importance.

    This is a very sensitive issue. People tend to talk about it a lot and offer their opinions based on their common sense, but this doesn't mean they're right. There is a lot of literature and educational material on the web, I would advise you to take a look. I would suggest you read Sandra Horley's 'Power and Control: Why charming men make dangerous lovers' - it offers a great insight to this sort of situations. Also, visit the website below:

  4. Could be, but don't let him get away with it. Let him know that your his girlfriend and not one of his employees. My son-law was a Staff Sargent in the Army. He wanted to run his home the same way he did his soldiers. The marriage ended in divorce.

  5. No

    He should not be abusive to you.

    He should only control you with love.

    Dump his posterior.

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