
If your brother has a kid on the way but dosent want it do you tell your mom?

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If your brother has a kid on the way but dosent want it do you tell your mom?




  1. I know this sounds rough and hard, but you need to let your brother make his own decisions and let him tell your mother. I know having "the word" makes you powerful, but just wait it out and let him do what he needs to do.

  2. h**l yea its still his kid no matter what

  3. That is something very major in HIS life, he wants to tell her he will. Dont get in the middle of this! He will forever blame you for any annomosity between them. If HE wants to tell her, HE will! Not your job!

  4. yes! it's the baby's life in jeopardy. he shouldn't have been messing around if he can't handle the consequences.

  5. Yes!  Maybe the his baby's Mother doesnt want it either, but she has to either go through the pain and emotion of abortion, or change her life by stepping up and taking care of that baby alone.  Dont let your brother get away scot free.  It isnt right.  How would you feel if a guy did that to you?  Tell your mother, your bro needs to step up!

  6. If your brother is over 18 and out of high school, it is none of your business. If your brother is under 18 and not graduated yet, tell him that you know and that he has 3 weeks to tell your mother or that you will. Tell him you want to give HIM the opportunity to own up to it.  After the 3 weeks, if you haven't heard anything, inform your mom.  This avoids the situation of you being a taddletale, while still giving your mother the information she deserves as the parent of your brother.

  7. I would without a doubt

  8. i think you need to let him know if he doesnt let your mom know YOU will.. even if he does not want the child.. it is HIS CHILD he can not ignore that and maybe your mom can knock some sense into him since seems he does not have any.. he needs to grow up.. he has a child LIKE IT OR NOT.. WANT IT OR NOT

  9. Yes its still her grandchild.

  10. The choice of whether to have the baby or not is up to the mother, your brother has no say in it.

    If she does choose to have the baby, and can prove it's his, whether he likes it or not, he has legal responsibilities to help support it, and if he won't help her on his own, the mother can have the state go after him for the child support and insurance coverage.

    As for telling your mom, it's up to you, but unless the mother decides to either have an abortion or give it up for adoption, she's going to find out eventually anyway.

  11. Its not really any of your business.  Whether or not he wants the baby, and the girl is going to have it, he has no choice in the matter.  He will be financially responsible for that baby till its 18.  He may want to be a man and get your parents help in the matter.

  12. If your brother has a child on the way, the whole "telling mom" thing is kind of out the window. It's called being an adult. If he doesn't want the child, I'm sorry, hopefully it's mother will.

  13. That is a tough one. I would cetainly give it a bit more time. If the Mother decides to have an abortion or give the child up for adoption, it is probably best not to mention it otherwise your Mom may want to intervene and make things tougher on both of them.

    If the Mother is going to keep the child try to encourage your brother to tell your Mom ASAP, if he doesn't then you may want to go to her and let her know. Afterall, she is going to be a Grandmother and does have some responsibility in that her Son is being very reckless about his responsibilities! Perhaps she can help this gal out a bit.

  14. You'll probably feel like a snitch but yea... I mean for 1, if u don't it will probably stick with you forever! and 2, Its a child! A living child! Its not like a toy or a puppy.. its a kid! And from what i can gather your brother is very young huh? And if ur mom just finds out (which she probably will, cuz moms know everything. lol) and figures out that you knew... You'll be in trouble... So just sit down privatley and tell her

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