
If your car has a warped head what will it make your car do?

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If your car has a warped head what will it make your car do?




  1. You will gt water in the engine, which can do damage; you will get oil in the cooling system; you will loose compression, and hence, power. These and other things could eventually damage the whole engine, and need a complete replacement.

  2. your anti-freeze and oil will mix, it will heat up. white smoke will come out the tailpipe.

  3. it will think demented warped head auto thoughts, and maybe go commit demented warped head auto crimes.

  4. ya you'll get water in your oil or oil in the anti freeze,you'dd need to have it decked or better yet get a new head.

  5. I have seen hundreds of blown or warped heads and there are so many diffrent things that can happen and the motor will do diffrent things depending where on the head it warps the list of symptoms is long.  

  6. When mine had a cracked head it ran hot all the time it would boil after going only 5 miles/8kms I had to get the head rewelded and honed but that didn't work ended, up getting another head it is an expensive business.

    good luck pp

  7. It will probably have a problem with blown or leaking head gaskets. It should be fixed.

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