
If your cat eats canned tuna will it get sick!

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If your cat eats canned tuna will it get sick!




  1. i dont think they can have it all the time, but it is safe as a treat. also, it is great when the cats are sick and not eating, they love it.

  2. It's not supposed to have tuna, although the cartoons say they can. And even milk they're not supposed to have. But the cartoons must hate cats.

    Don't give your cat tuna, whatever you do.

  3. Tuna from any container is not healthy for cats.

    Contrary to popular belief, tuna is NOT good for cats. The vegetable oil in tuna is polysaturated fat, which is too difficult for a cat to metabolize. Tuna is also high in mineral salts that can form bladder stones. It also robs the cat's body of vitamin E. If enough of this vitamin is depleted the cat becomes at risk of developing a painful condition called "steatitis." This condition causes the fat in a cat's body to become hard. The first visual signs include a greasy, dull coat. The lumps of fat begin to develop under the skin. As the condition progresses the cat becomes extremely sensitive to being touched and movement is painful. A cat who becomes a "tuna junkie" will eventually refuse to eat anything else. It's not unusual for tuna-addicted cats to become nervous or aggressive.

    ... by the way, you didn't ask a question.

  4. No, they love it, get it packed in water with low sodium. They eat it once or twice a month and its better for them than most canned cat food. It should only be a treat now and then, it does not have enough nutritional value in it for them to live on all the time.

  5. no wayy.

    my kitty loves tuna.

    only once in a while though


  7. Canned tuna has mercury in it.  If your cat is fed a steady diet of canned tuna, I can't imagine it would be good for it for that reason, let alone it won't have the nutrition in it that a cat needs, such as taurine & other vitamins, etc.  If you only give a small amount of tuna to your cat once in awhile as a treat, it shouldn't be a problem.  If your cat likes tuna on a regular basis, try to find a canned cat food that has some tuna in it.  I believe Fancy Feast has a few different flavors of canned food that have tuna in it.

  8. False. If your cat eats TOO MUCH canned tuna, it might get sick.

    It's okay to give them a tiny bit every once in a while as a treat. I personally give my cat a tiny bit when we get it out to cook with (which is like once every 3 months). But when i say a tiny amount, I mean a tiny amount.

    Don't give too much though. Then that will get them sick.

  9. Haha Lisa- My Siamese also loves the smell of tuna.

    Anytime I open a can of tuna, probably once a month, my cat goes crazy.  He will not touch any other human food.  He does try to get at old hot dog wrappers in the trash though.  

    I make sure the tuna is in water and only give him a spoonful.

  10. a tiny bit of human grade tuna once or twice a year won't be too bad for them as long as it wasn't in oil.  but it will deplete their vitamins if given too much.  so I wouldn't recommend doing it at all.

  11. Only if you give it too much...

  12. Yes, it will get sick because there are no vitamins and it is just not healthy for cats one little bit.  Even 1/2 of an ounce of tuna will make my cats have diarrhea and they will throw up.

  13. yes

  14. i dont think so, unless its stale tuna. i personally dont like tuna but my dad does and after he makes it he lets my cat l**k the rest out of the can and shes always been fine and healthy

  15. Of course individual cats can react to different food in different ways, but in general, I agree with 'Cat Lover', in that tuna has no particular nutritional value for your cat, but it is nice as an occasional treat.  My two Siamese absolutely love tuna and they would sell their respective souls to have it served up every day!  However, I give them a little bit about once a week maximum, and they are never sick, just very happy cats!  And I have been doing this for 12 years with no problems.  (I give them the kind in water, not in oil.)


  16. nope it will just get fat

  17. No likely but canned tuna has no nutritional value in it for your cat, once in a while for  a treat is okay but certainly not part of his every day diet.

  18. My cat has the odd can of tuna every now and then and it hasn't done him any harm.  My vet says it is fine to give them a can every now and then, but if that was all you fed it or if it had it too often then it will make them ill.  Too much mercury in the fish.

    No more than once or twice a month and your cat will be fine.

  19. mine gets sick with even a small amount, but every cat is different.

  20. my cats get tuna only as a treat and it's usualy no more than a tabel spoon ful each.

  21. Your cat will NOT get sick eating tuna. It is a whole food that is very good for cats but only the one packed in water--not oil.

    There are many cat food companies that pack tuna into their cans but they only use the scrap tuna. If you give your cat some really good albacore tuna they will love you for it! But as the article I attached below states, don't do it too much.

  22. some cats get sick some cats dont

  23. LOL... no, canned tuna is good for cats.  It is ok to feed it as a treat on the side (or if your cat is not eating and will eat that it is good as well).  Here is the deal, cat food is made with all of the neutrients that they need for survival.  Cats need more protine than a dog, so their food is higher in meat and fish.  However, canned tuna does not have the neutrients from veggies and fruits (also needed in their diet) that they need for survival, so you can not only feed canned tuna.  If your kitty eats too much of anything it can make him/her sick and please also realize that any change in your animals diet can cause diarrhea.  In other words... tuna is fine, if you find it gives him/her the poops stop feeding it... otherwise, let your kitty have the treat (on the contrary, milk in large amounts is not good for cats, this should only be given on occasion as a treat in very small amounts if you are one who likes to feed milk).  On a side note, I was a vet tech for several years (now out of the business) and I make my own cat food... cost and health wise it is worth it... tuna is one of my ingrediants... and Ive got a cat thats been eating this food for 15 years... still going strong.  Good luck.

  24. No, but it will be able to swim underwater.

  25. Absolutely not, you must only allow it a certain portion.

    If you add chilly sauce it would though.!

  26. ok is it eats 1 can i can guarintee it will not get sick! but dont let it eat tuna with milk ever or at night! remember that...

  27. Yes.  A vet told me to never give a cat seafood because it causes intestical problems.

    Meat is healthy in their diet because felines are the only animals that need meat as part of their diet.

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