
If your child died would you want a clone?

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If your child died would you want a clone?




  1. No, because they may have the face and everything of the child that you lost, but the personality just wouldn't be there..

  2. No, it wouldn't be the same.

  3. Definitely not! Each one of my 4 children are unique in their own way. Cloning would be a replacement of the physical element of their lives, not the emotional. I would always know that the clone wouldn't have the same relationship with me and I'd probably end up resenting it. Losing one of my children would rip my heart out. I don't see how someone would want a clone knowing that the child it replaced was buried or cremated and would never return.

  4. No. It could never be totally the same, because you could never reproduce the same life experiences that made them the person they are.

  5. i say no because it would just remind me of my real child and make me cry or w.e

  6. No ... it wouldnt be the same ... Id be scared he would just walk around like a zombie or something ...

    I would like to remember my son the way he was when he was alive through my memories and mourn for him ... not have to adjust to the fact that my son died and there is a copy in his room ... how do you even mourn that?

  7. Nah... :l

  8. No. I'd want my kid back the way he was born.

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