
If your child is 5 year old and he likes to play at school by himself on his own is that a problem.?

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He doesnt have this problem outside school,he is very sociable everywhere else.He is only child in the family and use to play on his own,but he loves company and playing with the kids,but at school he likes to play on his own and the teacher is worried about it.But i dont think its a problem,he is a very happy child outside school.




  1. 11 i have a huge group of friends and i like to play alone at school just to relax or to hear myself think!!

  2. I wouldn't worry about it to much. If he is 5 its just new to him I'm sure everything is fine! I know this isn't much help but its my opinion.

  3. Hi, my son is the same.  He is five years old and a very sociable lad.  However, at school he prefers to sit alone and play alone and he even sits under the table when they all gather to sing.  The headmistress of the school is not worried about his behaviour and says that she will respect it.  My son seems happy when i drop him off at school and happy when I pick him up again and that's the most important part to me.  It is not easy to get decent information out of a five year old so I don't bother trying to delve into it.  Maybe your son just doesn't like the other kids enough.  Maybe he is like my son and prefers the company of slightly older kids.  sounds like the only reason you are worried is because the head teacher is worried.  Funny that, because I was slightly worried but a talk with the head teacher reaassured me.

  4. I am a kindergarten teacher and to be honest,this is very normal for only children, boys, and introverts. Don't try to change his personality, with time he will gain more confidence and join in with the other kids. Some people (and children too) are naturally more social. Others, more independent. As long as he is happy with the situation and he is doing well is school, the teacher should not worry. Is she young/inexperienced? Because to me this is very normal, especially if he is sociable in other places.

  5. Both of my boys did this.  My oldest is 8 now but didn't start playing with the other kids unitl he was about 6 1/2.  I used to worry about him having no friends especially because he is in a small school with few boys in his class.   I have learned to relax though.  Now my second child has turned 5 and he is doing the exact same thing.  Try not to worry about it, he will outgrow it.

  6. maybe a child is being mean to him, or he is getting called names. Outside of school, he sounds fine! It must be something in school that bothers him. talk to him about it, or 2 his teacher

  7. he could be getting bulled sit your son down and ask him why he plays on his own in school

  8. i know 5 and 13 are two totaly different ages but maybe he sees that other kids are mean and would rather  just not get involved ,i preffer working alone too because i dont want to sit there and argue over school work when i could get it done faster alone

  9. As long as he is interacting with other children in an appropriate manner in class, and at play in other situations, I wouldn't worry about it.  Some of us just like to be alone.  There is nothing wrong with that as long as he understands when and how to interact appropriately with his classmates and friends.

    If the teacher pushes the issue, explain to her/him that your son interacts appropriately and it is not a problem.

  10. It is absolutely fine. The teacher should know more about child development. Many 5 year olds like to play alone at school.

    In the classroom, your child would be with children all the time. Not just 1 or 2 children, but they spend their whole day with loads of other children around them. So at recess/ lunch time, it is completely natural to want to have some 'alone' play time. This is absolutely normal, and I wouldn't worry about it at all.

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