
If your child lives their life the way you have lived yours to this point..........?

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how would you feel about that??





  2. Not so would mean they've made an awful lot of mistakes already.

  3. ok i suppose...ive made a couple of mistakes in my life, but it could have been a lot worse

  4. In many respects they have and have always put value more on relationships and not just being part of the status quo. I have great sons and I'm  proud of them always, just because they are caring individuals who have made a positive impact in others lives, whether it be family or friends. Couldn't ask for better, more giving sons. As a mother though, I wouldn't want them to make any of the same mistakes, but I know that we all do, and hopefully  they, and I, learn  from  each of our mistakes in life...

  5. fine.

  6. they need their own unique childhood experience.

  7. umm... i'd hope they would have made better decisions :D

  8. I'm single no children..

  9. Bad.  I had a horrible child hood and it was full of physical and mental abuse.  Thank God I got lots of therapy and did something different because I know she's not going through anything remotely like I did.

  10. I would feel fine

    Just hope they choose a career they really like, and can make a living of it

  11. Great!

  12. I'm only 19 so i don't know, but growing up i always though my parents would be happy if i could do something better than them and make them proud.

    So i have always tried to get good grades and be a better person, along with being an example.

    It's tough but i keep trying, i hope they like me as their kid...

  13. I would be okay with it.....I am a strong, independent person, that is what I wish for them too

  14. Luckily my daughters are way more sensible than I was when I was their ages. They both work hard at school and are already focused on what they want to become. They do take after me in some ways in that they are very independent and don't suffer fools . They have a good sense of what is right and wrong and are very protective over their brother who has autism and of me.

  15. i would feel bad, because they are following in my footsteps, and not living their own life. life isnt about living you parents life to the point, its about exploring your own pathways, making your own mistakes, discovering things on your own, not following everyone else and doing what they do. if kids live their life like their parents, they will not know what to do wen they will go out in the world on their own. they will not know how to make decisions for themselves, good or bad.

    they will be lost, and when both of their parents have passed away, they will be even more scared and woried than any normal person and have no one to go to for answers on how to cope with it. or get on with their lives. it will be a hard start back up again. if they live their own lives, they will have very minimal problems. whereas if they follow their parents footsteps, they will not know what to do.and run into many problems

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