
If your child tries to make you & your x partner to kiss etc does it make you feel guilty?

by  |  earlier

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I & my X get on well (now), she is a very good friend (despite living in different countries) & we do have one person who's welfare is paramount - our daughter.

So where have you stood in a similar situation?

My X or I don't really want to get back together but the look on my daughter's face today made me think.

I'm in a relationship, my X is not.

Advice needed, I do not think it would work but seeing my daughter makes me want to have her near me. Teaching her some English & maths excellent what a dad (Tata in Polish) should be there for..




  1. Well if you have feelings for her then go for it but dont do it for the child only. Parents have made that mistake before and they all have started with good intentions but bad outcomes. Kids always want to see their parents together its just natural to have a normal family feeling. But only do it if you really love your ex and want to be with her and your daughter equally.  

  2. do you have a wife now?if yes you can't let go of this relationship.

    ok so if you think you like your wife better than your gf then go back to her.but don't forget you must have had a problem that you got divorced...if you go back again won't you have those problems again?if not I should say go back at least because of your child.because it seems like you're doing this only because of your daughter but you and your wife must get along well or your daughter won't be able to stand arguments

    (cuz I can't)

  3. I grew up with parents that hated each other, and stayed together "for the kids."

    Now I don't think I know how to love properly.

    Be careful.

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