
If your child was missing in Portugal where would you be right now and what would you be doing?

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that is where she went missing Lisa and seeing as there is no evidence to suggest that she is else where , it would make sence to look in the last place she was seen




  1. I would be in Portugal, and I would stay there until I found her, even if i had other children, ..I would not blame the country, I would blame myself.

  2. Well I wouldn't be in the UK that's for sure! I would have never left the Police side and worked with then every step of the way but since there is no evidence of an abduction, the truth still remains in Portugal...

  3. Well, naturally I'd be in Portugal directing the search and making sure people looked in the 'right' places and questioned only the 'right' suspects.   I could NEVER imagine leaving Portugal without her.

    Unless of course I was named arguido, then I'd be on the next plane out.

  4. I'd be pedalling after the perpetrators on a bike I'd stolen from a senior politician.

  5. I'd be in portugal.

  6. Why is Portugal so relevant???

    Would it make any difference if it was another country or same country where you are living?

    how about asking "if you child was missing in ANOTHER country....?"

    Leave this mccaan story for goodness sake and get on with your life.

    there are children missing everywhere.

  7. how do you know she's even still in Portugal?

    yeah the last place over a year ago!

    If she's still alive it's pretty unlikely she would even be there

  8. In my opinion these things don't happen in Portugal. I have been there many times which in my opinion sways the suspicion in another direction. But then again Portugal is a catholic country and we all know that most of the peadophiles in the world come from the catholic culture.

  9. This was apparently an international happening

  10. Let me ask you a question Shady The McCanns spent months in Portugal looking for Maddie without success so where apart from there would YOU start to look. Africa, Asia, America, Europe. ? The world, my friend, is a very big place.

  11. Where your from mate?? Seriously??? From the UK???

    Do you know how many children are kidnapped in the UK each year??? Do you know how many are in Portugal??

    Because of one unfortunate accident, Portugal is seen like a monster, we all get criticized, and be blamed for something we had nothing to do with.. What happened to Madeleine was very sad. But why did the parents left their young children alone in an apartment, at night, while they went out for dinner?? And the resort even had a child care program 24/7..

    But my point is, your child could go missing in any part of the world..

    I pray for Madeleine, and i hope she is found safely..

    namaste and peace...

  12. The McCanns are unique amongst parents with missing children as the only ones to refuse to answer further police questions or assist with a reconstruction these tactics are what closed the official investigation.

    Surely that says it all!!!

    No way will they return to Portugal - it might reopen the investigation and find something!!!

    How sad that it is all about the McCanns and nobody is hearing anything about Madeleine!!!

  13. i'd be looking for her

  14. i would not have left Portugal if my child was missing i would be out every day looking for her unless i knew some think different which i think her mother and father and friends know

  15. I would be doing everything I could to make sure the case stayed in the public eye - television appearances, radio, newspapers - you name it.  Because really a year after a child has gone missing the time for looking under bushes and in dustbins has passed - someone has your child, or has dumped your child - and you have to increase awareness to get the majority of people aware of who your daughter is and what has happened to have any chance of finding her either dead or alive.

    I think it's hugely simplistic to say that the McCann's should be in Portugal looking for their daughter.  They have the other children to think about, they have their family whose support they must need, they have jobs and financial commitments - their home.  However desperate they are to find Madeline these things cannot be ignored.

    Will you people not be satisfied until Kate and Gerry McCann go bankrupt, and then treck the world on foot checking every nook and cranny for their daughter?

    Perhaps you should gain a more realistic view on the situation and grow up.

  16. If i had no other children i would possibly be living in potugal.

    If i did have other children to take care off id be back home where the children need to be for a normal life.

  17. i'd be in Portugal but if there was a witch hunt against me that could have me arrested, i'd rush to a safe place pronto. For i'd be of no use to my missing child if i were languishing in prison, nor to my other children for that matter.

  18. I would have never left.I would be going door to door.I don't think I could leave the country.But you never know until you are in that postion.

    but i can tell you i would still be going to interviews and passing out flyers.

  19. In a tapas bar getting hammered.....No seriously I'd be leaving no stone unturned in searching for her to the point i would have a breakdown.....But then I'm a CARING parent....

  20. I would be looking in your backyard for her. I think you know more about her whereabouts than you're letting on.

  21. If i was Kate McCann i would be living it up back in my home in the U.K.

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