
If your child was of the opposite political party as you, would you disown them? What about your spouse/S.O.?

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Some of the posters here are very adamant about their beliefs. If you are an Obama lover, and your child, spouse or significant other came up and said they loved McCain and Palin and were voting for them would you disown or divorce them? How could you not? Same as with McCain, if you are so hotheaded over your political choices how would you accept a loved one having an opposing view if you won't accept someone on here's opposing view.




  1. Thank heaven we live in OUR COUNTRY, where everyone has the RIGHT to believe what they want, and VOTE FOR WHO THEY WANT.

  2. Nope. Been happily married to a Demoncrat for many years.

    Have kids that favor both sides politically.

    It makes for interesting dinner conversations.

    Btw, that Demoncrat is voting for McCain.

    1st time in her life she ever voted for a Republican.

    I draw the line when people from either side go after the kids. THAT pisses me off.

  3. No way. I respect other beliefs. I just don't respect ignorance. If you are educated on your beliefs and genuinely just have different beliefs than me, then I understand. If you go around saying OSAMA OBAMA SECRET MUSLIM or Obama drinks Kool-Aid cuz hes black durrr durr, then I do not.

  4. Nope - I am conservative / libertarian and my parents are liberal and my sister is uber liberal.

    I still love them and value their opinions (although we disagree).  I (unlike some people) understand that there are shreds of truth and right in wrong in almost everything and know that my beliefs aren't always the best beliefs - I just believe that they fail me less often than others.

  5. Well coming from a family of Democrats that are all voting for John McCain, I would say there is no way in h**l I would ever try to talk them out of this desicion. We are Catholics, and we support life, not BABY KILLERS. McCain/Palin 2008.

  6. No, I wouldnt. I would probably debate them until the end of time but, everyone has the freedom to believe what they want, choose who they want, and feel what they want. If someone close to me loved McCain, i would ask them to give me reasons why because I sure as h**l cant find any good ones.

  7. Actually, I believe that Republicans and Democrats can be pretty close to each other. But I'm talking about real Republicans here, not about Christian Fundamentalists.

    In such cases, I don't see a problem. However, if the father is a fan of Newt Gingrich and the son a supporter of Al Gore (just an example), I don't think that these two see each other a lot.

  8. Not even.  

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