
If your child was pregnant with a child of a illegal immigrant, would you have them deported?

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If your child was pregnant with a child of a illegal immigrant, would you have them deported?




  1. No because me and Mando cant make babies with our man love. Chee has offered her womb but I think we say no cause she want the babies to clean her house and wipe bon bon crumbs out of her arm flaps. Is no good.

  2. no

  3. yes, so he will not rape another American.

  4. My child would never be put in that situation, we don't deal with criminals in our family, that's the way we were raised.

  5. If my child is under age Yes, If not then I wouldn't care unless he pissed me off

  6. you do not make sense. how can a citizen be deoported?

  7. Rephrase your question.

  8. Get the child and deport the father.

  9. yes and I would abort the baby too!

  10. Oh, for sure.  If there was  a way to press charges against the illegal criminal alien, I certainly would do that.

  11. NO!

  12. well if you do , I hope that child dinds out one day and hates you for ever.

    Latin families have strong ties and if you think that child wont be loved and supported , your wrong. sure let the government help you raise it with welfare checks. you make me sick.

  13. Them meaning who?  

    The pregnant citizen could not be deported, obviously.  The fetus is a part of the mother, the pregnant citizen, and if the mother cannot be deported, the fetus cannot be deported.  Therefore, the fetus will become a naturalized citizen at birth when born.

    The father, an illegal alien, could be reported to ICE.  However, ICE isn't going to care.  Why are they going to come spend their resources on one person, whom they would have to search for now if the illegal goes into hiding.  What's more, the mother may need him for financial help, and they could be considering marriage at this point as determined by circumstances.  Lastly, does ICE really want to be in the business of going after illegals because someone else's mom or dad is upset because their daughter got pregnant?  Is ICE's role to become the enforcement arm for parents that are unreasonably upset?

    No, I would not have them deported.  Besides, I myself cannot deport someone.  Only ICE and the Justice Department can deport someone, and I cannot tell them what to do.  They're bigger than me!

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