
If your child were about to experience some unspeakable unreal circumstance and you could keep it from...

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happening by giving them something to put them "to sleep" like a large dose of benzodiazapines or sleeping pills, would u take your own childs life or allow the horrible situation to occur. when I say horrible I am speaking of something like raped by terrorists for hours then murdered or something to the like.




  1. I'd fight for my son with my last breath. What may happen may happen, but not without a fight. At least he would have a chance.  

  2. I would truly HATE to be faced with a situation like this.

    If there was SOME way to see into the future and witness a horrible faith  such as my child being tortured and killed, I would HAVE to do something to change the future.

    I WOULD NOT under ANY circumstances allow my child to suffer a cruel and painful death such as this.

    I know it sounds horrible to say something like this, but I would rather them die peacefully by my doing than to be slaughtered and put through misery by someone else.

    It sounds terrible, but I would rather give them pills to die peacefully if I was absolutely sure that there was NO OTHER OPTION or NO OTHER WAY to save their life.

  3. I'm not even going to begin to contemplate what I'd do in this situation.  Obviously, it could never happen, so I don't even want to think about it.  I could never imagine taking my own child's life no matter what.  Besides, like anyone would believe me when I told them that I killed them because they were going to be murdered tomorrow anyway.  I know it was just a hypothetical question, but I don't like to think about things like that.  Its just disturbing.

    *I disagree.  There is absolutely no way to know that someone would kidnap my children tomorrow and rape, torture and murder them.  Yes, we could be invaded and horrible things could happen, but I wouldn't be able to see into the future to know what was going to happen.  If I was in a situation that something like that could potentially happen, then I'd sure as h**l get my family away from there as quickly as possible.  I can't ever fathom killing my own children no matter what.  I will do everything in my power to save their lives rather than ending them.

  4. In a heart beat

  5. If I actually knew that my children would experience something like kids did during the holocust...then yes, I would not be able to live knowing my kids would suffer from something like that and be killed anyways...I would give them something so that they would pass in their sleep and I would take it as well.....

  6. I wouldn't take my child's life...but it would be over my dead body that anything would happen to her. The idea of anything happening to her, leaves me understanding the meaning of "blind rage".  

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