
If your clothes have been exposed to mold for a long period of time do you need to throw them away?

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there have been 15 molds identified in the home what about all the stuff that has been exposed to these molds especially clothes




  1. That would be my choice. At least for the seriously stained ones-for the others-here you go--

    Mold is a fungus that thrives on organic matter, and it appears in a wide variety of forms. Some molds are deliberately cultivated, to make cheeses and some antibiotics, for example. Other molds are unwanted and adore food, whether on the counter, inside the fridge, or smeared into carpeting and clothing. Molds are not photosynthetic – in fact, many molds are photosensitive and will die in bright light. Because molds can form in a variety of environments, mold stains, especially on clothing, can pop up with irritating frequency.

    Prevention is the first step in dealing with mold stains on clothing. Mold stains form when clothing is splashed with food or allowed to get wet and left somewhere warm and dark. When food spills occur, it is best to clean them immediately and wash the clothing before mold and the resultant mold stains can form. When laundry is done, make sure that all the clothing is completely dry before being folded away. Keep clothing in a well ventilated space, as well.

    If mold stains have already set in, there are a number of steps to follow. Ideally, the mold stains should be caught as soon as possible, before the organism has had a chance to dig in. Bring the mold stained clothing outside and brush it out, to prevent spores from spreading around your home. Clothing that has been stored in proximity to the mold stained clothing should also be taken out and aired, and wiping down the shelf, drawer, or closet where the clothing was kept with a mild bleach solution will kill any spores floating in that environment.

    The next step is to leave the clothing in the sun to dry out, because heat and sunlight kill many varieties of mold. Hang the clothing from a clothes line so that it remains well ventilated and the sunlight falls evenly across most of the garment. Mold stains will likely still remain, because fungus discolors fabric.

    Presoak the mold stains in cold water, and then wash hot or warm with detergent. Check the garment before putting it in the dryer to make sure that the mold stains are gone, and wash it again if necessary. Drying the garment in the sun to kill any remaining spores is advised. If the mold stains persist, blot the area with a mild bleach solution, if possible, and launder it again. For colored fabrics, use a lemon juice and salt solution and rinse with cold water immediately.

    In my experience, serious mold stain just doesn't come out.

    Edit : I am talking black nasty mold stain that you can't get out -Those clothes are ruined.

    For all other clothing refer to the above to save ^^

  2. I would not throw them away. I have worn clothes that I have acquired from other people that have been stored in a basement. I just wash the whites with clorox and the rest in hot water with a whole bottle of rubbing alcohol to kill the mold. it would be very expensive to toss out your whole wardrobe. If you do not want the clothes after you clean them here are some solutions.

    1. Give to a friend or relative.

    2. Give to a charitable thrift store.

    3. Give to a church.

    4. Give to a homeless shelter.

    I hope this helps, but whatever you do. Please do not throw them away even if they are not in the best of shape!! There are already too many nice or still wearable clothes rotting in landfills. :)

    If you cannot find anyone to take them then drop me an email and I may be able to help. We are always looking for used clothes or sneakers for our family. If they fit us we may buy them off of you. If they do not fit us, then maybe we can find somebody who will take them.

  3. That is the best way to ensure someones health. Dont take any chances

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