
If your country is being invaded by a dictatorship, and your government is collaborating - what to do?

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The EU are still determined to take over the UK (and other eurpean states), and the UK government is collaborating with them.

In France during the second world war, the opposition to the n**i invasion and its collaborating Vichy government became the french resistance -- what is the modern option?




  1. The E.U is not a dictatorship, obviously. I presume you've heard of the European Parliament.

  2. time to stand up and be counted. we need riots i think. and of course we need to get rid of brown and co.

  3. They bombed our chippie, they want to get rid of the queens head on the cash. They eat funny food and smell and they measure stuff in a funny scale at goes from 0-1000 grams, what ever they might be. They made us straighten our bannanas.

    They definatly have not improved the rights of fathers with young kids, the quality of our water, our human rights and they have definatly not introduced a maximum working week.

    They don't want to take over the UK, where do you get this information from? The Sun?

  4. How is the EU a dictatorship? :). Do you hear voices in your head?

    Currently, there is a six-month rotation of member states to chair the executive of the EU. Under the draft constitution, that will be changed to elect the head of the European Commission who will chair for 2 years. The commission requires a stronger political mandate, and all members of the EU parliament are democratically elected from member states. Hellooooo? Anybody home?

  5. Modern opinion says, if you compare someone or something to the n***s, you automatically lose the argument.  Try harder next time.

  6. I'd leave the country

  7. The modern equivalent is "insurgency" or "freedom fighters"..

    (depending on what politics are motivating the news editors.)

    But your comparison is pretty fatuous.. and I get the feeling you're gonna start blaming the Poles for taking our jobs/wimmen next.

  8. No doubt in my mind that the EU member states will be majority Muslim in ethnicity before the year 2040. The EU parliament would offer political, religious and personal freedoms not possible if the member state chose to remain tiny countries.

    So, just relax. There's a Muslim overlord in your future.

  9. The people of all EU countries should take to the streets in a mass protest and demand referendums.  

    When EU ministers say that the majority of countries have rubber stamped the treaty what they actually mean is that greedy, power seeking politicians have rubber stamped it!

    They know if they offer it to the people in a referendum the answer would be resoundingly NO!  They must be forced to see that the majority can't be ignored!

    If their track record was one of excellence perhaps they could claim to know better than the rest of the people. But they can't even claim to have balanced the EU books!


  11. Bomb Poland.

  12. Normally you would appeal to the constitution and Bill of Rights and say "This is unconstitutional or against my Rights". However we don't have a written constitution or Bill of Rights in the UK so we can't do that.

    People in the UK have to go to the European Court to get their rights upheld as citizens of Europe and not citizens of the UK.

    The truth is that the public in general have been apathetic and complacent about British sovereignty over the past 40 years or so and that's why we've been quietly taken over.

  13. You are right; we are sleepwalking into a totalitarian state. Perhaps we could start with a bit more public pressure for that referendum; so far only the irish have shown any sense.

    Before we know it, peaceful protest will be outlawed and then it will be too late.

    Violence is never the answer, because by then you've already lost.

    What I want to know is - who actually has the power behind the EU.  Who actually benefits personally.  There's always someone behind the throne (so to speak) somewhere or is it just a mad self perpetuating beaurocracy?

    I really wish I knew what i could do to make a difference

    George Orwell got his timescales a bit muddled up, but he was right.

  14. Emmm...

    I'd, like, run, or something.

  15. the only saviour now is ireland who actually gave their people a vote,

    governments signing documents that the people haven't voted for when they were told they would get a vote on it has got to be illegal.

  16. Nuke Brussels!.

  17. It is a bit sad that people cannot see the puppet parliament installed in the EU for what it is.

    Money talks and they have stolen so much through the taxation systems they can bribe anyone they like.

    To be specific about your question we have to find ways of using civil disobedience at this stage.

    Supporting anything that destabilises the pro EU position

    and people, especially publishing at timely intervals information discovered like the behaviour of Tory MEP's recently.

  18. The US is trying to colonise the UK.  We get a say in Europe.  Not even Americans get a say in their foreign policy - they just get a choice between two candidates offering the same thing.  The EC is our only hope against becoming the next Puerto Rico.  

    So stay away from MacDonald's and Starbucks.  It's the American collaborators who will get their heads shaved. (Oh shìt, I'm using an American web site!)

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