
If your dad sent you a $30 check for your b-day...

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how would you react? My dad has never been in my life but like once a year he would call. He has never given me anything. Actually for a few years he didn't call. I think that was when he was with the mother of his twin boys. He called me out of the blue when I was 18 and thought that I wouldn't be mad. I have absolutely no money for college and I asked him to help. Before I asked that, he was bragging about his 6 vehicles. I figured he could help.

I just turned 20. Do you think I'm being a brat for getting mad about that $30 check? He thinks I'm an ungrateful little brat! By the way, I've been living off Ramen noodles for a few months now!




  1. You have the right to feel however you feel.  However, I find that if you are on speaking terms with a person the best thing to do is sit down and calmly explain what you feel and why, and what you expect that person to do with the information. If you can't talk then maybe you could write a letter to make sure your heard.  You have to understand that your dad has an opinion too and has a right to express it after you express yours.  Even though he maybe a d**k for not helping you out finacialy, you can't expect him to. His money is his to spen how he pleases and ya it sucks but you have to deal.  I hope it all works out and at the least you get your point across.

    Good luck in life and College!

  2. You're twenty and he's never been there--correct?

    All those years you never expected anything from him so don't start now. It may be hard and feel impossible, but do your own thing. You asked already and got nothing--don't make this man add stress to your life.

    My reaction: Forget him

  3. I'm thinking that your dad over exaggerated his worldly possessions to you.  AND, $30 is all he could spare.  

    Try not to get mad and accept the money and send a nice thank you card.

  4. You do need to realize you will not get anything from this man you call a father.  Calling once a year is not appropriate.  Quit expecting or hoping that this man will help you.  He will let you down for the rest of your life if you let him.  He doesn't care what you've been eating for the last 20 years, let alone the last 2 months.  Stay in college, get a job and rise above the BS of family life.  You'll be a better person without him.  

  5. hon did he pay child custody? if not tag team up with your mom and get backpayments for that

    he is not oblidged to give you anything now, however if he got money and not just braging so then surely he could pay more its your birthday, and he is your father, 30 get you nothing these days, he migth as well not have bothered...i could understand it if he had financial issues as its the thougth that counts but if he got money then surely he could be a lil more gracious then that

  6. the check will probably bounce...

  7. Listen, you are waisting a lot of energy being angry on a person who hasn't had a lot of time to spend his energy on you.  You are resentful because he wasn't there for you and those feelings are justified. Accept the $30.00 and be appreciative that he did that much. He just may be one of those who doesn't know how to be a father or how to take the responsibility as a father.  Instead of being angry at him, feel sorry for him. Thank him for the money. At least now you can have some toast with the ramen noodles!

  8. he sounds like an idiot...and NO your not being a father is rich too and he only sends me 25.00 for my b-day and never paid child support a day in my life ....guys are cheapo's

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