
If your daughter came to you and asked for birth control?

by Guest64239  |  earlier

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would you give it to her?

I wouldn't. I'd teach her that its more loving to keep your teenage horniness in check and to wait until you're married




  1. Well  then I'm going to have to call you crazy. If my daughter came to me and asked me for the pill, I'd definitely give her a safe s*x talk and tell her all the reasons I really think she should wait. But I'd definitely rather have her using some kind of protection against getting pregnant than her coming home in a few months and telling me she's pregnant. Then I'd be kicking myself for not getting it for her. But you know, she can always go to planned parenthood and get it herself with you.  

  2. Give her the "s*x" talk and tell her how unsafe unprotected s*x is. Then give her a condom.. I would prefere not to use the pill..

  3. which would your rather - mum, can i have birth control ?or mum, I'm having a baby.

  4. There are people who go on the pill for reasons other than because they want to have s*x as a teenager. I went on the pill when I was 14 because I had the worst periods. They would last at least a week and often would come more than twice a month--sorry but there's nothing beautiful about that. I felt much better after I went on the pill, my moods were better, I wasn't anemic from all the blood loss, I actually was able to sleep at night, I was able to rejoin the varsity swim team because I had enough energy and didn't feel drained all the time, etc.

    In high school (and middle school and college for that matter) I knew plenty of people who got on the pill because they wanted to have s*x, but I also knew people who went on the pill for other medical reasons. You shouldn't judge someone just because they are taking medicine that makes them feel better and allows them to actually function better.

    I personally think it's great that you want to wait for someone who is worth it before you have s*x--that really is what it is all about, closeness. It isn't something that should just be thrown around to anyone who is willing, I think people should judge what they do carefully and take proper precautions no matter what. Congratulations on having found a boyfriend who is willing to wait for you because he realizes and respects your decision.  

  5. Depending on how old she was.  If she was over 15, even though I do not condone teenage s*x at that age, i would give it to her after multiple, lengthy lectures about s*x and what it leads to and the realities of having a baby, especially as a young girl.  I would also make time to visit and help out someone with a baby and bring her along to actually see the reality.

    Just because you teach her that s*x is for marriage, etc. etc. does not mean that she is going to listen.

    Edit - So would you want a baby at 17?  Think about it.

  6. My answer will not be popular with the some of the people  here, but here goes. I have a 16 year old daughter, that would not ask me this question, because she plans on not having s*x until she is married, just like I did. Amazingly I was able to not have s*x until i was married. it is very difficult but it is the best thing. It does not only prevent pregnancies, it prevents STD's, etc.  Don't be ashamed of being a virgin- I commend you.

  7. i agree.. i dont like birth control!

  8. i would put her on the pill, cause if they want to have s*x, their gonna do it no matter what you say, they'll find a way trust me. and if you don't get them birth control then they'll do it without the pill and then might end up pregnant.  

  9. Just because you say she can't haven't doesn't mean she won't get on it anyways, you can get it for free in some clinics and your parents won't ever know a thing. Birth control is a great way to regulate periods, not just for s*x.

  10. I would be happy that she felt she could confide in me and book a doc appointment and go with her. Better safe than sorry. Wait until you are married? - are you 70 and behind the times - come on!. Help her out if this is true.

    How odd your additional comments are - are you from a time machine crash landed in our era?

  11. I would talk to her openly and honestly about s*x and then i would allow her to get on the pill. You say you'd rather have a pregnat daughter than one on the pill, but the pill won't be a hinderance to her getting into college, the pill won't be a LIFE CHANGING event, and the pill won't be depending on her for the rest of it's life. You may be willing to help her take care of a child, but God forbid something happens to you then what? And by defintion you can't put hormones "in check".

  12. First of all it kinda makes me a lil angry how they say "teens" are going to have s*x like they just clump all teens into one dumbass clump anyway Im 17 and a virgin...... anyway i would kick my daughters butt and tell her to wait till marriage and not think about having s*x unless there is a wedding ring on her finger if she came to me asking for birth control

  13. You can tell your teenager anything you want, but that isnt going to ensure they listen to you and do everything you say. I'd rather have a daughter on the pill than a daughter having a baby.

  14. it depends on her age and why she wants it...........

    as it is my 11yr old will go on BC in about 12 months for MEDICAL reasons..........before anyone thumbs down.. this is true reasons not for BC methods etc./........She's got a medical condition where she lacks certain female hormones.. her ovaries don't work.. The only way she can have a monthly "period" is by using BC pills.. she needs a bleed to keep her womb  healthy.. she can't possibly get pregnant without medical assistance.. She needs the pill so her womb lining thickens then sheds (as a period).. so it is kept healthy incase in the future she want a baby via  IVF with donor eggs.. Even if she does not she needs the hormones the BC gives to help with her womanly development.

    just now she's on HRT patches , estrogen only,, the BC pill will be added to give her progesterone as estrogen alone can cause cancer of the womb if used for a long time...........she'll be on this medication till she's about 50yr old..........

    so i'll have a daughter not even a teen needing BC..........

    i'm dreading going for her pills when she needs them. it's bad enough just now the looks i get when getting HRT for an 11yr old.. Explaining why she needs them etc..........

    but all that aside i'd rather have a daughter who takes the pill to prevent an unplanned baby than have a daughter pregnant with a child she does not want..........

  15. BCP is a prescription drug in Canada/USA. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to give someone else your BCP. But if she asked you for permission to get it..well, do you want to be a grandmother?

  16. Yeah....and she'd end up pregnant.  Teens are going to have s*x whether they're on birth control or not.  I would take my daughter to the obgyn and get her on birth control asap.  However, I would also teach her to respect herself and not "give it up" to just any guy.  I'd talk to her about love vs. lust and just make sure she knew to respect herself at all times.  I wouldn't want my daughter to ruin her teen years by becoming a Mom too early.

  17. I would let her get on the pill. Id rather not be a grandma in 10 years! And yes, it is possible to keep your hormones in check, I was a virgin til I was 19.

    I would hope that I am teaching my daughters the right things and they will choose to wait until they are mature and ready to have s*x.  

  18. yes. in the form of a chastity belt.

    believe it or not, you can teach morality to children. and children can retain morality through adulthood. extramarital s*x is wrong.

    birth control pills have been linked to various forms of cancer, as well as  fertility problems later in life. why not just give your kid cigarettes?

  19. Health Education has been taken out of the schools by parents that are offended that someone is talking to their children about s*x. I would rather a doctor or a professional health educator teach my child about birth control than wait for some wild eyed boy or girl to tell him that it's OK to have s*x unprotected.

    Abstinence is ideal. Good for you for practicing what you feel is right for you and your body. Step away from temptation and keep those hormones in check.


    I am however, NOT an Idealist. I am a Realist. I see young ladies ranging from the ages of 11 to 20+ in my office weekly getting pregnancy tests, STD screens and a referral for adoption counseling, abortion counseling, and local schools for teen mothers.

    I know that most parents are fully capable of talking to their children and making the decision as to whether or not it is a good idea for them to use birth control or contraceptive devices; however, teen pregnancies and positive STD results are constantly on the rise.


    Quoted from SADD website:

    Sexual Activity

    Currently 46.8% of all high school students report they have had sexual intercourse. The percentage of high school students who have had s*x decreased 13.3% between 1991 and 2005 (54% to 46.8%).

    2005 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance

    Nationwide, 6.2% of high school students had had sexual intercourse for the first time before age 13. Overall, the prevalence of having had sexual intercourse before age 13 was higher among male (8.8%) than female (3.7%) students.

    2005 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance

    Nationwide, 14.3% of high school students had had sexual intercourse with four or more persons during their life. Overall, the prevalence of having had sexual intercourse with four or more persons was higher among male (16.5%) than female (12.0%) students.

    2005 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance

    Among the 33.9% of currently sexually active students nationwide, 62.8% reported that either they or their partner had used a condom during last sexual intercourse. Overall, the prevalence of having used a condom during last sexual intercourse was higher among male (70.0%) than female (55.9%) students.

    2005 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance

    Among the 33.9% of currently sexually active high school students nationwide, 23.3% had drunk alcohol or used drugs before their last sexual intercourse.

    2005 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance

    Fifty-two percent (52%) of teens report that they have sexually active friends.

    2005 CASA National Survey

    Youth exposed to sexual content on television were more likely to overestimate the frequency of sexual activity among peers and more likely to have more permissive attitudes toward premarital s*x.

    2005 ASHA State of the Nation


    Teen Pregnancy

    Three in ten teenage girls (31%) become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20 – more than 750,000 teen pregnancies a year. Eight in ten of these pregnancies are unintended and 81% are to unmarried teens.

    National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

    The U.S. teen pregnancy rate for teens ages 15-19 decreased 36% between 1990 and 2002.

    National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

    Despite impressive declines over the past decade, the United States still has the highest rates of teen pregnancy and births in the Western industrialized world. Teen pregnancy costs the United States at least $7 billion annually.

    National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

    About one in ten girls who first has s*x before age 15 describes it as involuntary.

    National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

    A majority of both girls and boys who are sexually active wish they had waited. Of those who have had s*x, more than one half of teen boys (55%) and the majority of teen girls (70%) said they wish they had waited longer to have s*x.

    National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

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    Nineteen (19) million new STD infections occur each year, almost half of them among young people ages 15 to 24.

    Centers for Disease Control

    One in two sexually active youth will contract an STD by age 25.

    2005 ASHA State of the Nation

    Forty percent (40%) of older adolescents surveyed by the Kaiser Family Foundation incorrectly believe that the contraceptive “pill” and “shot” protect against STDs and HIV.

    2005 ASHA State of the Nation

    Some young people, including those who had abstinence education, consider oral and anal s*x to be abstinent behaviors and do not realize these behaviors present risks of STD transmission.

    2005 ASHA State of the Nation

    Adolescents believed they are tested during routine medical examinations for major STDs: chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, hepatitis B, herpes, HPV, syphilis, and trichomoniasis.

    2005 ASHA State of the Nation

  20. that is sad you don't love you children very much if  you won't at the very least help her

    good thing is she can go to a place where she can get birth control without parental permission.

    s*x is a natural thing and some people are ready for it faster then others. its the down side that every body feels. and human are animals we are mammals.

    i pity you and hope you never have children because you don't deserve any.

    I'm feel so so very sorry for you

  21. if she were 16 or older, i would let her have it.  why not?

    it's easier to give her birth control than take care of her newborn for her!

  22. I'd give it to her, but first try to redirect her.

  23. i  would have a long talk first to make sure she wasn't doing for any other reason but because she is 100% ready

    and denying a child birth control won't stop them from having s*x. they just have it with out or less protection,

    if  you could ONLY choose between protective s*x or no protection as a caring parent you would choose protection.

    but still have a long talk before scheduling with the doctor.

  24. By all means let her have it. She is nearly an adult and no matter how much you dislike it she will have s*x anyhow. Talk to her one on one, and don't talk "down" to her about safe s*x.You cannot force your values on a seventeen year old so be glad she feels comfortable enough to talk 'up front' with you about this. She is already being a adult and it behooves you to be one yourself win, loose or draw!

  25. It depends on how old she is.  If your daughter is asking for it then she will probably have s*x anyways if you say no or go get it herself.

  26. I would ask her why she wanted it, and if she knew the real purpose for birth control. I'd give it to her because I would NOT want my 15 yr old daughter pregnant. But she actually came to me for it because she has bad cramps, and it helps wonders for her :)

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