
If your daughter shouted "No more war" at the president, what would you do?

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If your daughter shouted "No more war" at the president, what would you do?




  1. I would punish her probably like George did to Carmen.

    She'd better have more respect for our commander in Chief.

    Besides, it's congress who is keeping us at war and causing gas prices to go so high.

  2. Why not just strap on a bomb on her.  The results would be better.

  3. Sign her up for Model UN.

  4. I'd give her pen and paper, cause she isn't getting close enough for the President to hear her hollering.

    But I would also tell her to include instructions in handling civil wars and genocide without violence.

  5. Probably say, "Way to exercise those First Amendment rights, honey!"

  6. Take her out to dinner. Tell her I'm proud of her. Oh, and tell her to watch out for the Secret Service dudes.

  7. I would stop watching George Lopez with her.

  8. shout with her, saying a belief does not make anyone a spoiled brat or have anything to do with upbringing unless she was raised to not think for herself and only believe what mommy and daddy say. id be proud she had her own opinion and didn't give a d**n who heard it

  9. Mine wouldn't...she has been raised right!

  10. I guess it would depend on her age.  If she was young enough, she'd be punished for the disrespectful conduct.  (We've taught our children that although they are allowed to have their own opinions, civilized people have a code of behavior that is acceptable, and this would not be acceptable.  Too many parents encourage bad manners these days.)  Then I would try to instruct her on the proper way to voice her political opinions in a constructive manner.

    If she were an adult, I would just have to be ashamed that she was so rude and infantile in her behavior.  I would definitely feel that I had let her down somewhere in her upbringing.

  11. Ask her Where is your sign?

  12. throw her out of the house... but my kids are not spoiled whiney brats.

  13. I would be proud that she feels she can speak her mind. This is America after all. Even if I do not share their views, I encourage my children to think for themselves and speak for themselves.

  14. I would encourage her to run for president when she got older.

  15. Yell "alalalalalalala!"

  16. I would realize I can wind my 10-year-old kid up and point her in any direction and she'll spew out the same moronic c**p that I've been feeding down her throat her entire life. What's more, she won't understand a single word of what she's chanting -- only that daddy and mommy shout  'Bush Evil'  day and night, so it must be right...

    Suddenly realizing this, I would come to a moment of clarity and make a life-altering decision: When my IQ hits 50, I'll definitely sell....

  17. Buy her an ice cream

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