
If your daughter told you she was bulimic...(even if you don't have one)

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I need to tell my parents about my bulimia. But I am terrified that they would be angry with me. What would you do if your daughter told you she was bulimic? What would your reaction be? (Be Sad or angry, punish her, try your best to understand?)




  1. I would be supportive .. not over bearing but just let her know that your there to talk to incase she needs somebody to talk to and just help her find the right help. depression sufferer here, and I dont talk to my mom bout it but shes happy i have ppl to talk to !!  

  2. Most likely they won't be angry, they will be loving concerned and supportive..your their daughter, they love you adn want the absolute best in life for you..tell them and get treatment...

    If my daughter was bulimic, I would find the best doctor and treatment ream for her recovery and make it a personal mission to get her help...I would tell her that it is a problem that can be fixed and that I love her and there is nothing in this world that would change that...

  3. I think that the majority of parents would be really worried.  Most parents who understand the nature of bulimia would probably be more concerned about the negative effects on their kid's health than anything else.  

    Of course, every parent is different - some may not think it is a big deal, others might be angry.  The best thing you could probably do is write out what you want to tell them beforehand, then ask them (when you feel most comfortable) if you can have a talk.  Stick to the script you wrote out as much as possible - if your parents see that you've planned out what you have to say, they will be less likely to interrupt you, or even to react outwardly.  That will give you a chance to explain to them what you do, why you do it, and why you decided to tell them.  Then make sure you give them a chance to respond to you.

    You have a lot of courage even to consider talking with your parents about this, and it is the first step toward getting the support you need.  

  4. i am not your parents.  of course they are going to be upset because there is a problem with their precious.  start by asking for their help with it.  you have very little chance of getting treatment without your parents cooperating.

    give them room to go through the stages of being upset, disappointed, angry, sad, understanding.  there will be a process and it will take time.  give them some time to go through it.

  5. As I was a bulemic for a very long time (until I got pregnant) and having a daughter myself, i would not be angry.  I would feel sad for her that she would feel that she has to resort to that or she feels like she has to do that.  i would then probably sit down with her and have along talk about why she feels the need to do that and what we could do to fix the problem (Not easy I know).  

  6. I am no parent, however I feel that the majority of parents wouldn't punish their children for having a food disorder. Your parents should not punish you for having a food disorder.  You and your parents should find some sort of treatment, such as Cognitive-behavioral therapy.  

    I don't know your parents, thus I cannot tell you how they would react. My guess would be that your parents would be even more upset with you if you hold off from telling them any longer.  Sure they may be sad and maybe a bit angry, but getting you the help you need will probably be their first concern. The important thing is that you do tell your parents and you do get the therapy you need.

    It is always best to tell your parents about something serious such as Bulimia Nervosa. Just sit down and have a quiet talk with your parents and explain to them your feelings about being bulimic.

    I do urge that you tell your parents right away, as Bulimia Nervosa is a serious food disorder.  With the proper help and treatment, you can get back to your old self again, and possibly forget everything about being bulimic.  

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