
If your daughter was pregnant at 17.........?

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would you prefer it if she married, or would you rather she didn't? Would you tell her she must marry, or tell her nobody HAS to get married?




  1. nobody has to get married. dont pressure her into something that she doesnt want to do because that may make for an unhappy marrige, something the baby should'nt grow up in.

    hope that helps :]

  2. If my daughter was pregnant at 17 I wouldnt force her to get married. If she were made to get married theres a slim chance it would last.  

  3. I would tell her that she doesn't have to marry. The father can still be in their child's life without a marriage certificate.

    I would request that she put her last name as the child's and not give it the father's, only because he may or may not stick around.

    I would then help her get through high school (unless she was like me and graduated at 17), and help her until she got on her feet.

    Then, I would love her and my grandchild unconditionally.

  4. I wouldn't want my daughter to be married at 17 even if she told me she was in love with the man she was with.

    17 year olds don't know enough about life in order to do adult things like marry or have babies.

  5. I would NEver insist anyone get married if they are not 100 percent sure that is what they want.   getting into a bad marriage does not make up for a previous bad decision.

  6. Gee, last time I check the road maps I was living in the US where the Girl and Boy involved in the situation MAKES THE DECISIONS.

    They have already made a bad decision, but the rest of their lives will be theirs to determine.

    The Oldy Moldy Goldy days are gone.

    Unless maybe we have a holdout here.

  7. Nobody HAS to get married, why act out a sham of two people who do not have the mental maturity nor the will to face the challenges of marriage just so I could save face!

  8. depends on the relationship between the daughter and the father of the child to whether they should marry or not

  9. I don't think marriage is the answer.  Many marriages fail because the couple stays together solely for the sake of the children.  If there is no love between two people their relationship will not work.  I think at 17 she is old enough to make her own decisions regarding abortion, adoption and motherhood.  As a mother I would want my daughter to do what she felt was necessary and right for her, and I would support her no matter what her decision was.

  10. I wouldn't make her get married. That's a terrible idea! She needs to take responsibility for her actions.

  11. i wouldnt force her to get married.after all it's her life and she gets to decide what will make her happy.

  12. No one should have to get married because of pressure from other people.  I did it because of pressure from my parents and I ended up being married to an abusive jerk who didn't want anything to do with the baby anyway, so I divorced and raised my child alone.  My life would have been much more peaceful had I not listened to anyone and just did what I wanted to do - which was stay unmarried.  

  13. are u mad?

    NO!.....she wouldnt have to get married at 17 JUST cos she got pregnant!

  14. Two wrongs cannot make a right!

  15. In my opinion, she is too young to get married...

    She should marry when she wants to, not just because she's pregnant. That's not a good foundation for a healthy marriage.

  16. no one has to get married especially so young. I dont beleive in divorce.

  17. I would prefer if she married at least she'd have a bit of security... but i wouldn't tell her she has to...... that would be her choice...

  18. I would be surprised because I have two boys. After that I'd let her make the decision.

    I'd be happy with the baby and let her do what she needed to do to have a great life i.e. finish school and college!!!

  19. never ever force her to marry.

    ur child has the every right to choose.

    pregnancy isnt a reason for marriage.

    trust me on this.

  20. If my daughter was pregnant at 17, I would run for President.  Then I would preach "family values", and hope that no one would hold my family up to the standards that I preach.

  21. whatever you do, do NOT force her to marry.

    Marriage these days doesnt mean as much to the guy as it used to.

    Where it used to mean the guy would be bound to take care of his own handywork, (and so your daughter would be looked after), it isn't the same in todays' world.

    If you force your daughter to marry, who's to say the guy wont just up and leave / cheat on her etc.? Then she is really gonna be alone, and with a kid! You dont wanna do that to her. All you can do is be supportive, whatever her decision, and however difficult that might be for you. Some girls just have to learn responsibility the hard way, and there is a lot more responsibility on young women today than ever before.

  22. No,noone should be forced to get married 17 or any other age just because someone is pregnant. People are always talking about the santity of marriage, but a majority of people don't treat it like that. People have sexual relations without having an actual relationship.  Marriage  shouldn't be used as a short term solution to a mistake. Embarrassment or social pressure should not influence what should be a lifetime commitment.   Whether, it's Jaime Lynn Spears or Bristol Palin, if you're not ready to fully commited to the person you're walking down the aisle with, don't waste your time just to hush the critical voices.

  23. Definitely not make her get married. I would be highly disappointed if she got an abortion, because PERSONALLY, i am completely against them, however she is completely responsible for her own actions. But getting married just because of a child is asking for trouble. Thats how depression and possibly domestic violence start. Even infidelity. Because shes being trapped in a relationship that was probably just a quickie to act out.

  24. It would depend entirely on the situation.  

    I take marriage very seriously and would not suggest marrying someone because of pregnancy alone, the kind of marriage that would be difficult and short lived.

    It used to be assumed that the young couple would get married but now even if you convinced your daughter that marriage is the best thing to do, you may not be able to convince the young man.

  25. It would be up to her.

    I would never to tell her she has to marry, or that I didn't want her to (if she wanted to that is).

    Of course, I would've hopefully been paying considerably more attention to who she was dating, and either myself or my wife will have talked to her about the importance of using contraception if she is going to be sexually active.

    Rather than preaching 'abstinence only' and keeping her ignorant.

  26. Nobody HAS to get married, unless their mother is running for VP and needs the conservative vote...

  27. No, I wouldn't force her to get married. I wouldn't brow beat her about the mistake either as the child is probably suffering with the guilt and fear of the responsibility coming her way. I would see that she received  the prenatal care and finished her education as planned. When the child was born I would see to it that the child was cared for and had all it needed including a place to live which my daughter has always had a place with me and that is forever. I don't see how anyone would be any different about their child and grandchild regardless of a mistake.

  28. Nobody HAS to get married.

  29. Been there and done that.  Daughter did not marry baby's dad.  But 20 years later every is healthy and happy.  With the media glamorizing all the unwed celebrity moms  teens get the message it is okay

  30. Definitely tell her she DOESN'T have to marry, if she doesn;t want to.

    It may not make her any happier...

    You just need to support her and respect her choices.



  31. That is hard to answer when you are not in that situation! There are so many different reasons and issues behind pregnancy and dealing with other people (father of child & his family). It is meant for us to be married before we have children, yet again you dont want to force a teenager to get married especially if her and the guy arent together! I dont think I would tell her to get married. Things happen and getting married isnt going to make it better or fix the issue at hand! Im perplexed, Good question!

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