
If your daughter was raped and became pregnant, Palin would oppose her getting an abortion. Is that ok w/you?

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The irony of last night's speech is that McCain was trying to appeal to moderates; which is in stark contrast to the person he picked as a running mate.




  1. No. It's not okay. The mental health issues surrounding a girl/woman being raped and forced to go through 9 months of carrying rapist's baby, have just got to be too much for some women.

    The resulting life-time mental health problems.....? And an unstable mother taking care of a baby of a rapist? Maybe some women can handle that but I bet a lot of women and their families would find that insurmountable.

  2. NEWSFLASH: She is the VP nominee, and moreover even if she opposes that, she cant do anything about it, even if she becomes president. Because if it has to become law, it has to pass through congress, and congress isnt so extreme....

  3. I liked it when she said she was happy that her daughter "chose" to keep the baby.

    Why is it the Repubs only support these policies when they don't apply to them?

    And if her daughter had chosen not to keep the baby in an utopian Repub society where that choice is not offered, what would be the options then?

  4. He CAN appeal to moderates now that he's chosen a VP who's perceived as more conservative than he is. More proof that Palin is a campaign expedient, not an actual VP choice.

    Oh and in answer to your the case of rape, no.

  5. No its not ok.  However, the Pres and VP don't make the laws, congress and states do.  So I am hoping smarter minds prevail.  The Christian fundamentalists are KILLING this country.

    Ever notice how the ones out there preaching and are holier than thou are the very ones doing the molesting, beating, adulterating and so on. The biggest homophobics are usually closet cases (according to an Oxford Study)

    People in Glass houses.....

    Look, some of these people live in counties/states that have laws against having s*x with sheep.  Em, those laws are there for a reason.  

  6. Yes, she would oppose it and no that is not okay with me.  She is for no exemptions to roe v wade.  So if a 12 year old was raped by her father, we would still, as a country, make that child have a child.  Please women of this country think this through...this could happen and could happen in the next 4 years if you vote for McCain/Palin.

  7. I personally would say no, I don't agree with an abortion, but in a circumstance where someone is raped and becomes pregnant, they should have the option avilable to them. Personally, Obama is a presidental choice that americans need to pick, he can bring change unlike the bush puppet McCain.  

  8. First of all, let me say this -

    I am not voting Republican.

    But this analogy rarely happens. It does happen, but people who use this as their reason to be pro-choice are really grasping at straws. Granted, it is a good reason, in my book - but I worked at a battered women's shelter for years where we handled all kinds of rape cases - and I personally sat with victims of rape in the hospital... it's highly unlikely. Don't throw this reason at people. It's assinine.

  9. Never would I abort, or allow my (hypothetical) teen daughter to abort.

    That little baby did not ask to be conceived.  If the family feels that they cannot raise the child for whatever reason, there are plenty of families out there who long for a child of their own.  

  10. i am almost 60 yrs. old and i have yet to come across anyone in my life that i totally agree with on every issue or topic. i have never agreed with every plank in the dem. or rep. platform in any election i have been able to vote in. instead, i decide who i most agree with, who i have the most confidence in and that's who i decide to cast my vote for.  

  11. Is this really the most important issue for our country's leader?

    For the record, I'm pro-choice. However, it's no reason to vote for someone who goes against every other principle that I have. I believe in less government, lower taxes, and safe borders. I'm supposed to give all that up for abortion rights? I don't think so.


  12. I'm assuming that many people do not know anyone who has been rapped. That leaves a woman feeling extremely violated. Then to turn around and FORCE her to have the child? How much of an idiot must a person be to see that this practice is wrong?

    The problem with Republicans and conservatives is that they believe life begins at conception, and death begins at birth, because they sure hate putting programs in place to help the mother when the child is born. Hypocrites.  

  13. Come on people, that is just her personal stance on the abortion issue. She can't just swoop into the White House & reverse Roe v. Wade. Cindy McCain disagrees with Palin on this issue; the abortion issue alone doesn't mean she shouldn't be VP. We are all entitled to our personal beliefs!

  14. No, that would not be OK with me.

    Nor should it be OK with anyone.

    Unless you believe (for some reason which I will never understand) that a magic invisible man placed a soul in that fertilized egg at the moment of conception- and that fertilized egg has more rights than the raped young girl.

  15. Palin doesn't have the last word, only an opinion.As vice president, or even the highest office, she would have to deal with a senate and a congress, so why the fear?Her other qualities out weigh this one concept.Take the whole package. Even I a stanch republican can find some good in Obama,But I can't accept his socialist views. I don't want my taxes to pay for his welfare people.How many so called rapes were consensual until the mama discovered the act?Then it is the guys fault.Right?

  16. No, its not ok!

    People say "what about the fetus, it didnt do anything wrong..." I agree! but the female who was raped or abused will have to go through 9 months of agonising pain psychologically and then physically, and then know the baby is "out there" if adopted, or if kept, is she really going to love the child?

    People say pro-life...what about the life of the mother! She has concious thought... a fetus under 13 weeks, does not...

    Rusty Verner: Many vicims of rape dont tell anyone, therefore do not get the morning after pill, as they some feel they are to balme....and the morning after pill does not always work

  17. I am smart enough to make sure my daughter took the morning after pill so she wouldn't have to have an abortion. Guess you aren't.

    I am a moderate he appealed to me. So does Palin.

  18. My friend was raped and her daughter is now 3 months old. That you would even suggest that she should have killed her daughter just because of the circumstances that lead to her pregnancy is inhuman, disgusting, and vulgar.

    I recommend that you take a long look at your life if you think that your position is even remotely justified.

  19. Which happens in what, 1% of rape cases (and of that 1%, 70% of them opt to keep & raise the child).  

    However, to answer your question yes it would be "ok" with me. What you fail to understand isn't that people think rape is "ok" and we need to saddle these women with children they don't want.  It is that you don't respond to the situation by murdering / killing, which is what abortion is.  You might not feel that way about abortion (hey, a fetus is no different than a lump of skin cells) and if that is what you believe, I can understand your point.  However, for a good number of people a fetus is much much more than a lump of cells to be discarded.

  20. This is why McCain/Palin will lose women voters to Obama. Her views are just so extreme and outside of mainstream America. The fact that she opposes the right for a woman to choose to have an abortion if she were raped and the fact that McCain opposes equal pay for equal work for women will turn off many , many women.

  21. Indeed - this is what's keeping me from calling myself pro life.

    I value the life of that unborn child like anyone else (I've personally never seen pro choice Americans standing around holding dismembered fetuses chanting, 'Kill the babies')...


    Making abortion illegal brings up many problems, one of which was pointed out above.  With a family member of mine being a rape survivor, I can personally say that no one has the right to tell her - had she become pregnant, that she had to carry that child as a constant reminder of her violation.

    And I will have words with anybody who says otherwise.

  22. I believe abortion was started by people who didn't want to accept the consequences of their actions.  They try and tell themselves that it's not really a baby and it's not life, when it's the first trimester.  Then I ask you, if it's not life, why do you have to kill it?  If somebody gets raped and is pregnant as a result of it, it isn't that child's fault.  There are so many people out there who want to adopt and there aren't enough babies to go around.  Have the baby and give it up for adoption.  I oppose abortion.  It's murder.

  23. I don't believe in abortion.  If God allows a women to become pregnant, then He must have a plan for that child and why should we have the right to end it's life. Don't punish the child because of the Father.  Granted, I probably couldn't keep the baby because of the circumstance, but there is always adoption.  

  24. Look at this scenario:

    My daughter was stupid and got herself knocked up because she wasn't having safe-s*x. I would hope that she would have the baby, because her careless-ness shouldn't be a reason for killing a baby.

    However, if my daughter was raped, I would be okay with her making the decision to abort the pregnancy.

    McCain cannot appeal to moderates when his running mate is so incredibly tight-assed.

  25. Why does it honestly matter what Palin thinks on abortion? My question would be why so many people who claim to be Pro-Choice have an issue with someone else's choice if it is against abortion. Just a valid question, nothing hostile. Frankly she has her views, she has her opinion. Everybody has a view, everybody has an opinion. Personally I am Pro-Life in any circumstance. I believe that life begins at conception. But I do not believe that my opinion should be forced on anyone else. If my child was raped, regardless of she carried to term or not she would be scarred for life just for the fact that she was raped in the first place. And I would leave it to my child to make that decision, even if it was one I disagreed with, in only that case. There are to many loving homes that would love bring a baby into the family but are unable to conceive. Families that would be willing to pay for the care needed to the mother until the delivery. Roe V. Wade will never change in my opinion. I will say that partial birth abortion must be banned and remain banned, the same with this labor induced abortion. There should be restrictions on abortion. After a certain point, no abortion. If you can not make your mind up as soon as you find out, then carry the baby. Just my take on this issue.

  26. First off, Palin can not change what she has no control over.  Let's get that out of the way first.  Those are personal beliefs, but not a power she has.


    Let's get this clear too-a woman gets raped.  It's not the child's fault, nor is it the mother's.  To say that a woman who was raped should keep the child because it wasn't the child's fault is like me committing a murder, then framing you for it.  You didn't commit that crime, but you should go to prison anyway, right?  

  27. Your question is interesting based on the way you phrased it.  I am fine with Palin opposing my daughter getting an abortion since her opinion would not affect my daughters decision. The same way I might appose Palin belonging to the NRA or Palin having a view of x*x on the x*x issue.

    That is one of the great things about this country - she can have her opinion and I can have mine.  I might not agree with her opinion but I respect her right to have that opinion.

  28. NO - that's not ok with me.  

    I am not a supporting of abortion, through I believe it's the woman's choice - not our Government.  And I do believe ALL life is precious, but I can understand why abortion could be considered in some cases!  

    But again - it should ALWAYS be the women's choice.....NOT the president or the supreme court!

  29. Why not face facts?

    Look -- NOBODY we elect to the White House will change Roe v. Wade.


    Abortion Rights aren't going away. Not under McCain. Not under Obama. Not under Bush (12 years of Bushes! 8 years of Reagan! Still we have Roe v. Wade!)

    Why play these childish games that everyone can see through?

    McCain will not change Roe v. Wade.

    he won't.

    We know that.

    Stop playing games.  

  30. Palin does not know what is best for everyone.  I think that a decision like that is the families choice to make and only the families choice.  Am I for abortion?  No I'm not. However I think that it is not appropriate for someone like Palin to decide.  And besides, she cannot decide whether or not abortion becomes illegal because that is something only congress has the power to decide.  And you also have so many pro-choice organizations and individuals who would riot should that choice be taken away.  Its really a difficult issue to talk about, and there is no grey area in this topic.  

  31. Yes, life is sacred regardless of how or why it started.  What you Pro-Abortion people fail to tell everyone is that 99% of all abortions are simply because the mother doesn't want the baby or is a means of birth control and not because someone was raped.  The real answer for someone who doesn't want their baby is to put it up for adoption after it is born instead of killing it like it was some kind of animal.  It is appalling that people get prison sentences for cruelty to animals, but people like you think it is OK to kill humans before they are born.  Science has proved that unborn babies can feel pain, react to light and sounds, have a heartbeat after only a few weeks of development and are human according to DNA tests.  If a baby is killed only minutes after being born, it is murder.  How can it not also be murder before it is born?

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