
If your doctor told you you have 2 months to live..what would be your highest priority in wrapping things up?

by  |  earlier

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..(besides life insurance, or funeral arrangements or a will.)




  1. I would do everything I'd ever wanted to do and enjoy my last few months on earth!

  2. well definetly ill be worried  to the bone about my life hereafter so probably id be died before those 2 months pass.

  3. Party non-stop!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I would go around and tell people, then write letters to everyone who has bee important in my life and buy each of them a special gift. Then I would head on holiday with family and friends and enjoy the time left!


  5. probably burn my diaries. then tell everybody i love them. and well partttyyyyy

  6. To make sure tell everyone I love and who have inspired me how much they mean to me.  

  7. Visit all your old haunts. Spend time in your favorite places. Visit old friends w/o giving the news. Re-read your favorite books. See a lot of comedy movies. Laugh a lot. [This was somebody's reason for surviving beyond the appointed time.]

  8. First I would find another doctor that was an expert.

    If worse came to worse, I would try to prepare for my death in a way that would give me the most control over how it would take place.  I would also spend every moment with loved ones and never be alone.  I would most likely go through those final stages of death and dying.  It is so sad to think about this.  What A Question!!!

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