
If your driving 80 mph down the road and your dring the smae direction at the wind and the wind speed is 80mph

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and you put your head outside the window does it feel like a normal day.




  1. Nah because the car splits the air in front of it which gives a change in wind velocity travelling past your window towards the back of the car. You may be going 80mph but the wind travelling past your window wouldn't be.

    You'd have to do a fair amount of calculations to get your speed exact enough to compensate for this change in wind velocity and match the 80mph wind coming from behind you.

  2. would be good if ya could but i dont think so

  3. no because the aerodynamics would rough up the air. hence the air would be bi-directional and would be coming from all angles and at different speeds

  4. thats a question you want to ask Brainiac.

  5. I would not recommend putting your head out of the window at 80 mph.

    You will reduce your ability to drive safely.

    80mph? so where would you be doing this speed.

    Motorway perhaps?

    You risk being hit by flying debis (from other vehicles), static objects or vehicles coming the other way.

    Just let me know when you are driving, so that I know when to stay at home.

  6. hahah - should think so - I'll try it one day and let you know!

  7. Yes. If the wind speed and car speed match exactly you wouldn't get the rush of wind in your face.

  8. Let's put it this way. If there was no wind, and you were travelling at 80 MPH and you stuck your head out the window, you will experience 80 MPH of wind in your face. This is called relative wind.

  9. Due to your spelling and grammar mistakes i can`t really help you

    on this one but i will take an educated guess.

    You said (i think) if you are driving at 80mph down the road  and

    you are driving in the same direction at the wind and the wind speed is 80mph and you put your head out outside the window,does it feel like a normal day.

    Do you not mean i was driving my car at 80mph and the wind behind me was blowing at the same speed.

  10. Why be out driving in a category one hurricane to begin with?

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