
If your drug offense is over 5yrs old do you have to tell your landlord

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i know as far as employment you dont have to disclose any offense over 5yrs old is that the same as for renting an apartment?




  1. if the rental agreement does not ask for it don't tell them.  if it was a summary offense it will not show up only misdemeanors and felonies show up on arrest records.

  2. It will show up on the criminal background check, so if they ask if you've ever been arrested or convicted of a crime (whether misdemeanor or felony) you are better off reporting it to them than lying about it. Same goes with employment.  The only way it wouldn't show up on your record is if you ask to have it expunged from your record.

  3. Is there some reason that after 5 years it didn't happen??

    If they, or anyone else asks you, you can lie, but if it is an employer or landlord they will find out, and might have to kick you out, or fire you.

    Under US federal law, if you are applying for federal assistance for housing you are disqualified if you have certain criminal convictions, so they have to ask if they receive any government money.

    You will also not likely be eligible for food stamps, or able to be licensed for certain professions.

    Keep your record clean.

    If you were not convicted you might be able to have your recor expunged.  In some cases you may be able to have it expunged even if you were convicted.  Check with a lawyer.

    Good Luck

  4. I don't know where people get their information.  On an application for employment or for an appartment or anything else, there is no law allowing you to lie.  If the question asks if you have EVER been convicted, you had best disclose an old conviction.  A background and records check can go back as far as one wants and if found lying you will be denied the job and the apartment.  Read the question and answer it truthfully.  If the question has a time frame, answer it truthfully.  If it has no time frame, answer that truthfully.  If someone told you there is a law allowing you to lie with impunity, either that person was wrong or you misunderstood.  

  5. It really depends on how much depth of investigation the apartment is using to approve tenants. If your offense was for simple posession of MJ and was listed as a misdemeanor you probably won't have to mention it unless you are moving to a really ritzy apartment complex.

    Why make that trouble for yourself if it was that long ago? It will only prejudice the apartment manager against you and cause you to be rejected outright. Let them run their investigation.

    You can always say with honesty that it happened so long ago you didn't think it was important any more.

  6. If you have stayed out of further trouble, look into pardons / amnesty / clemency that may be available in your jurisdiction.  See if you can get the record expunged or sealed.

  7. It will show up in a background check so I would mention it to a future employer or your landlord.  Better to tell the truth than to be found out you are a lier.

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