
If your electric went off on Christmas day, would your kids be able to play with any of thier toys ?

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Bet theres no fami;y board games....or are there ???




  1. Yes. We have lots of non-electric games to play.

  2. We have board games and dolls and trucks and sleds.  Lots to do.

  3. Stock up on batteries just in case.

  4. I play with dolls.....nothing needed but a doll house and dolls.

  5. I bought my daughter the little vigilante gun play set. It will still work.

  6. it dont matter well find something for kids to have a good x-mas Well takem to WALMART

  7. I don't have any kids yet, but there are young kids in my extended family...

    When I was a kid, the answer would be yes.  Most of the gifts I got as a child at christmas were building toys (like Lego and k'nex) or books.

    Now, most of the kinds in my family get something electronic, but a lot of them still get regular toys, which may have battery powered stuff, but can still be played with if you don't have any batteries around.

    As far as family board games, there are tons.  Candyland, trouble, guess who, they're all still out there.  They may have added electronic voice things, but they're still basically the same.

  8. yes, they have learning games that needs the parents interaction not electricity

  9. my kids will still be able to play with there toys, because they have different kinds of toys. some that needs electricty and some that don't. basically they will have no problems.

  10. there are still lots that run on batteries.  After 5 hurricanes in 2 yrs everyone in my neighborhood has backup generators anyway.  merry christmas ebenezer!

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