
If your ex wife has a young boyfreind of 18 and shes 32, is it ok for him to change (rest of ? follows)?

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my 3 year old daughters nappy here in the uk as these days we have to be carefull with chrildren i would like to no before i speak to my ex wife over it




  1. I think aslong as the boyfriend of hers takes a mature attitude towards parental activities then I would see no problem for him to do so. Ofcourse we have to be careful with our children but I'm sure your ex-wife would be supervising her boyfriend and/or possibly helping him - we all start somewhere.

  2. What's a nappy?  Is that some sort of UK slang?  Does it mean to change a diaper?

    Anyway, it is absolutely horrendous that she's actually trying to have a serious relationship with a young man that could still in Secondary School and taking his GCSEs!

    Clearly,  your ex wife isn't stable so you should be happy that your life is free of her.

  3. It's not ok if your not comfortable with it.  I would talk to your lawyer before you ever bring this up with your ex.  Know what your options are before you whack the hornets nest.

  4. what is a nappy? Like a diaper? I don't see anythign wrong with it as long as he isn't a sexual preditor. You might just think about it and make sure he isn't.  I think she's a little off for dating a 18 year old BOY when she is 32 anyway.

  5. Would you have asked the same question had your Ex's new boyfriend been a bit older??

    I think if there was any reason for you to be concerned, your ex would be just as concerned as you.

  6. I do not understand your question?

  7. I doubt that your ex will let anyone harm your daughter. It is her child too remember!

  8. you mean there diaper? if he's 18 and with a 32 yr old i doubt hes interested in doing anything to your daughter if thats what your concerned about.

  9. Whats the problem?

    You are honestly being paranoid over nothing.

    Unless he is touching your kids sexually, you are over reacting.

  10. At 3 the kid ought to be out of nappies.  There is no way to tell if the 18 yo is okay to be around your child.  I expect you are concerned about sexual abuse.  There is no way to know if the bf is safe around your child, unless you know him, and even then you can't know for sure.    

  11. Several things here to be considered. One, is he a responsible  man? Does he love your ex? What does your daughter think of him? I personally think your ex should be the one responsible for the changing of the children. Second its time to start potty training I know its hard but if your are consistent you can accomplish it in a couple weeks. Google it and see what you come up with . About speaking to your ex you are 100 % ok to discuss any and all concerns that you have with your children follow your gut feelings and always  follow through  best of luck.p/s/ No he should not help change the children unless he marries her and becomes their stepdad.

  12. I would think that if he is 18  she is not looking for a daddy figure for your daughter....I assume a nappy is a diaper...and trust me he won't go near it.  they are both in it for the s* long term relationship there.  

  13. His age has nothing to do with it.  Paedophiles can be any age.  If I was your ex-wife, I wouldn't let anyone other than you change the babies nappy.  When I divorced I vowed to bring my children up on my own and that is just what I did.  Children want their own father, not someone else.

  14. I wouldn't let an 18 year old kid who is banging my ex, change my kids diaper. That's just me.

  15. Not sure what the question is, but I would have a serious talk with her, just to make sure her mind set is right to be raising your daughter.

  16. why is she still in nappies at three, yes you have to be careful but just because he's 18 and your ex's new boyfriend doesn't make him a danger to any child maybe your being an over protective parent but talk to your ex if you think it will help ,but don't expect her to understand.

  17. Hello

    What difference does it make?

    I know what you mean but age makes no difference, whether it is the man of any age and a baby of any age.

    I come from a big family and we had no mains electric, gas or water, I can remember bathing as a 15 year old boy in a tin bath in the middle of the front room, then helping to bathe a pair of 10 year old girls, 6 months later we had built the extension with proper bath which stopped the bathing in the front room. As a 5 or 6 year old they used to be put in the bath with me and i helped wash them.

    Does that make me an evil person? or someone to worry about.

    No because at the same time I was taught to respect my elders, teachers, the police.  When I was a lad if you were caught smoking behind the shed by a copper, he clipped your ear but you didn't tell dad or he clipped the other one.  These days the father, if there is one? would run to the nearest police station shouting assault. The main problem is the punishments don't fit the crimes. Murders should be hung until dead, and child molesters hung by balls until dead.

    Andy C

  18. ooh idunno...

  19. What does him being 18 have to do with it? Sounds as though you may just be intimidated by his age...A man can be a Pervert at 40 just as much as any 18 year old...My main Concern is WHY is your 3 year old STILL in Diapers?

  20. I think he is at least too young to do it and 7 year old girl should have a with mum or alone

    Your ex needs to focus a bit on the issues  

  21. If the man is a responsible adult, then yes. But i personally as a mother would just do the deed myself. If this is a man she loves and trusts then i don't see anything wrong with it.  

  22. If you don't feel comfortable with him changing her, you must tell your ex wife, she might not realize that is not proper nor correct to have your new boyfriend change your daughter.  

  23. there is no way no how he should change them be in the room when their dressing etc as a mum she should no better, speak to her politly but firmly and let her no that u dont want it happening it is your right as a father,and its good that ur thinking right most absent dads dont care, if she dont listen then seek further advise but not with social services unless u have reason to suspect abuse.

  24. The age of the boyfriend would not really matter it depends more on how the boyfriend act/treats your daughter and how your daughter acts/feels about the boyfriend in general.  Legally there is no reason why he couldn't do it. It comes down to how the boyfriend treats the child and weather or not his actions are appropriate with the child.

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