
If your family is dining out... do you tell your kids it's okay to run around and bother other people dining?

by Guest34486  |  earlier

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If your family is dining out... do you tell your kids it's okay to run around and bother other people dining?




  1. I think it's also the lack of parenting.  Imagine how the kids are when at their own home!  I'm glad i'm not a parent.

  2. Absolutely NOT!!  My kids would never be allowed to do that!  I know what you mean though, I've seen that before. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY! kinda makes you want to walk up to the parents and SMACK them......

  3. Absolutely not!  My daughter is 20 months old and we don't take her out to eat now.  She doesn't understand how to act yet, and I think that is the way it should be.  I want to enjoy my meal, especially at an expensive restaurant.  We only go to family restaurants with her.

  4. I used to have a sign in my restaurant that stated---Children Left Unattended Will Be Eaten. As a small business person, I can tell you that most parents from the generation with small  children now don't parent. The problem for shopkeepers is that alienating a potential customer who could, in turn, create 25 other potential customers makes a lot of bad behavior acceptable. So from a restaurant owners perspective you're damned if you say something and damned if you don't . In  a perfect world there would be a holding pen for unruly children in every retail establishment

  5. h**l No! The parents of kids like that are to blame. They are idiots!

  6. no n i hate people who do that. it's so rude and disrespectful!

  7. yes, we like to keep the entire restaurant to ourselves. i have 13 children and i can't control any of them. i just let them run wild and they pester the other diners...but hey, that means they'll leave quicker than usual. for a free meal, i tell them to wait until they see the server walk by with a full, hot coffee pot and tell them to charge her...when the coffee spills, they scream and viola`...A FREE MEAL!!!

  8. NO!!!

  9. No!

    My kids knew that if they ran around like a nut in any public place, they were going to have some very sore rear ends after we got home!

  10. children sat at the table until we left....that seems to happen when the children are not used to sitting down with the family at the dinner table on a regular basis...allowing this is extremely rude to others.

  11. i usually chain them to their sits

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