
If your fiance arrived home with this French Maids outfit to kind of test youon who would be wearing the pants

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in the realtionship what would you say or do?




  1. Grose!

  2. I would wear it :)

  3. Hmmmm...  neither.. that makes me wonder..

  4. let him wear it


    What's with the frenchmaid outfit fascination? Just go get one and see what happens.

  6. ooo la la.. I'd wear it ^_^

    but then I'd be scared of being "mauled" to death o.o

  7. Okay Dave, this is what you do....

    You take it from her, go into the other room and put on your sexiest most provactive piece of clothing and walk out holding the french maids outfit. Say: "You can't have me until YOU wear this." LOL

  8. No. I have fat legs and don't look good in short skirts.

  9. I'd wear it!;)

  10. LOL  I have a black one...I bought it for a Halloween party that we went to and he liked me in it so he asked me to keep it...

  11. Go for it, and ask her to come home in the Catwoman costume next.

  12. I'd LMAO! If he's seriously trying to test you, though, especially about something like that, I'd say there were some problems/trust issues in the relationship.

  13. put it on and have fun....woooohoooo

  14. If my fiance brought that home.... neither of us would be wearing pants ;)

  15. Run

  16. I would wear it then tease him in get him all horney then I would slowly take it off for him to see under it......  then  I would walk over to my dresser and find some real clothes get dressed and leave him sitting in our bed with blue balls...  TEHE!!!!!!!!!

    That's right i wear the pants.......and yeah I find it amusing.  very amusing!!!!!!

  17. Hehe!

    I would say " sweetie I can't wait to see how cute you are going to look in that, here are some cute panties to go with it" LOL

  18. How is this a test?  If he brought it home for me I'd put it on and enjoy the rest of the night.

  19. Please clarify. Are you saying that your fiancee is a woman who requested that you wear this outfit, and that she did so in order to demonstrate her dominance?

    Yes, if that is the case, you should run. Marriage is a partnership, not a power struggle.

    If you are into pretty ladies garments, however, and it's something she simply thought the two of you could have a good time with, then why not try to please her?

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