
If your fiance told you that you couldn't get a gun, but you really wanted one, would you go ahead anyways?

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If you told your fiance you wanted to exercise your second amendment right and get a gun, and he said, "You aren't getting a gun"

would you go ahead and get one anyways?

I think I would




  1. I don't know.  "You aren't getting a gun" sounds like some kind of order.  Has this occurred?  I wouldn't like it.  And not just about the gun, the order.  These things need to be discussed.

    You can lock a gun in your attic and make the same statement.  Try for a compromise.

    For what it's worth, Christopher Michael, I would not allow guns in my house, either.  I have a son.

  2. Spiritually speaking, I would do it. Better to be safe than sorry.

    By the way, please make sure you have been properly trained to use and store firearms before you make a purchase.

  3. I'd like to second Mr. Chris DONT GET A GUN!

  4. God never forbade us weapons, why should your fiance?

    Although a Baptist with a 44 is pretty scary!

  5. Ugh... I'm the fiance and you "He can't tell you what to do, you're an adult!" people are annoying.  You naturally assume I was playing the role of suppressive, overbearing man but the fact remains that I'm a part of this couple as well and I'm not comfortable with a gun being around.  I was saying no to the gun, not no to her doing what she wanted.  I have my rights as well, and I don't want a gun in the household.  LEAH YOU AREN'T GETTING A GUN, STOP INVOLVING CRAZY Y!A USERS!!!

  6. Well, first I would be sure I understood why my spouce didnt want me to have one.  Then perhaps we could work it out.Maybe they just are not edjucated in gun safety.

    However you did say fiance.. Your not married yet .

  7. He didn't say anything about rocket launchers did he?

  8. I'd compromise and get shuriken or a sword instead.

  9. Well no I would talk to your fiance about it because if you're planning on getting married you need to be open and not just do things when the other person disagrees it causes fighting. You should just try to compromise somehow, show why you want it and all about how you'll keep it safe, ect.  

  10. Well, you are your own adult, so you make your decisions, your fiance does not.  He's not your keeper.  However, if this situation is coming up, it's worth rethinking how things are going to be after you're married.  This WILL cause conflict, and the two of you need to be able to resolve these sorts of things.  

  11. buy it, but know how to use it, and if you can get one without it being traced to you , good.

    There will come a time when THEY will come for our guns.

  12. I'd take it as a sign of things to come, and take a good hard look at the relationship.....

    Or sit down and have a heart-to-heart, and ask him what makes him so nervous about the idea...maybe he has some legitimate fears that can be taken care of with proper education and training.

  13. That depends on who you plan to shoot.

  14. Of course.  Why should your fiance have the authority to tell you that you can't own a gun, not even the government should have such power.

  15. Or just not go and get a gun......that would be a better anti-gun statement.

  16. Don't worry about exercising your second amenment rights, you will be newly weds and getting plenty of other exercise.

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